receiving() ->
receiving(A,B) ->
Pid = spawn(ifelse、receiveing、[1,2])。
5> F=fun(X) -> if (X rem 2) == 0 -> X+1 end end.
6> F(4).
7> F(5).
** exception error: no true branch found when evaluating an if expression
8> F1=fun(X) -> if (X rem 2) == 0 -> X+1;
8> true -> X end end.
9> F1(4).
10> F1(5).
receiving() ->
{Pid,_A,_A} when is_pid(Pid) ->
% use the pattern matching to verify that the 2 elements are equal
% and a guard test to check that the first element is a pid.
% Note that in this case it is a strict equals. I use _A because the code doesn't
% care of the value itself
io:format(" B equals A ~n"),
Pid ! "True";
{Pid,_,_} when is_pid(Pid) ->
% use pattern maching to verify the that message is a tupple of 3 elements
% and a guard test to check that the first element is a pid.
% For the 2 last elements I use _, so the data is not bound to any variable,
% only the structure is tested
io:format(" B does not equal A ~n"),
Pid ! "False";
_ -> {error, wrong_value}
14> F = fun() ->
14> receive
14> {Pid,_A,_A} when is_pid(Pid) ->
14> io:format(" B equals A ~n"),
14> Pid ! "True";
14> {Pid,_,_} when is_pid(Pid) ->
14> io:format(" B does not equal A ~n"),
14> Pid ! "False";
14> _ -> {error, wrong_value}
14> end
14> end.
15> Pid = spawn(F).
16> Pid ! {self(),1,2}.
B does not equal A
17> % the returm value of "proc ! Mess" is Mess. It is what we get on the console on previous line
17> flush(). % use flush() to get the messages received by the shell
Shell got "False"
18> Pid ! {self(),test,test}. % the process Pid is terminated now. when we send a message to it,
18> % it is simply "lost".
19> % it is necessary though to use a new variable Pid1 and spawn a new process
19> % (see rvirding message and user601836 answer)
19> Pid1 = spawn(F).
20> Pid1 ! {self(),test,test}.
B equals A
21> flush().
Shell got "True"
22> Pid2 = spawn(F).
23> Pid2 ! {hello,test,test}.
24> flush().
25> % of course there is no message sent back, no io:format to print something on the console,
25> % the returned value of the function in the error case is "lost".
25> % if you want to have a permanent process you must have a recursive loop,
25> % calling receiving() were needed.