ページの 1 つがコンテンツを表示するまでに時間がかかる理由を理解するのは非常に困難です。ページ上のコードは次のとおりです。



//open database

    // Check to see if the type of file uploaded is a valid image type .........................
function is_valid_type($file)
    // This is an array that holds all the valid image MIME types
    // These are the same for all file upload boxes
    $valid_types = array("image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp", "image/gif");

    // This is an array that holds all valid image extensions
    // These are the same for all file upload boxes
    $valid_exts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif');

    // This check is optional
    if(!in_array($file['type'], $valid_types))
        return 0;

    // Get the extension from the uploaded filename
    $upload_ext = pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    // This check is essential for security
    if(!in_array($upload_ext, $valid_exts))
        return 0;

    return 1;
    // Just a short function that prints out the contents of an array in a manner that's easy to read
    // I used this function during debugging but it serves no purpose at run time for this example
    function showContents($array)
        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";

    // Set some constants

    // This variable is the path to the image folder where all the images are going to be stored
    // Note that there is a trailing forward slash
    $TARGET_PATH = "images/";

    // Get our POSTed variables
    $ctitle = $_POST['ctitle'];
    $csubject = $_POST['csubject'];
    $creference = $_POST['creference'];
    $cyear = $_POST['cyear'];
    $cobjecttype = $_POST['cobjecttype'];
    $cmaterial = $_POST['cmaterial'];
    $ctechnic = $_POST['ctechnic'];
    $cwidth = $_POST['cwidth'];
    $cheight = $_POST['cheight'];
    $cperiod = $_POST['cperiod'];
    $cmarkings = $_POST['cmarkings'];
    $cdescription = $_POST['cdescription'];
    $csource = $_POST['csource'];
    $cartist = $_POST['cartist'];
    $image = $_FILES['image'];

// Build our target path full string. This is where the file will be moved do
// i.e. images/picture.jpg
$target_path_1 = $TARGET_PATH . $image['name'];

    // Sanitize our inputs
    $ctitle = mysql_real_escape_string($ctitle);
    $csubject= mysql_real_escape_string($csubject);
    $creference = mysql_real_escape_string($creference);
    $cyear = mysql_real_escape_string($cyear);
    $cobjecttype = mysql_real_escape_string($cobjecttype);
    $cmaterial = mysql_real_escape_string($cmaterial);  
    $ctechnic = mysql_real_escape_string($ctechnic);
    $cwidth = mysql_real_escape_string($cwidth);    
    $cheight = mysql_real_escape_string($cheight);
    $cperiod = mysql_real_escape_string($cperiod);
    $cmarkings = mysql_real_escape_string($cmarkings);  
    $cdescription = mysql_real_escape_string($cdescription);
    $csource = mysql_real_escape_string($csource);
    $cartist = mysql_real_escape_string($cartist);
    $image['name'] = mysql_real_escape_string($image['name']);

    // Make sure all the fields from the form have inputs
    if ( $ctitle == "" || $csubject == "" || $creference == "" || $cyear == "" || $cobjecttype == "" || $cmaterial == "" || $ctechnic == "" || $cwidth == "" || $cheight == "" || $cperiod == "" || $cmarkings == "" || $cdescription == "" || $csource == "" || $cartist == "" || $image['name'] == "")
        echo "All fields are required";


// Check to make sure that our file is actually an image
// You check the file type instead of the extension because the extension can easily be faked
if (!is_valid_type($image))
         echo "You must upload a jpeg, gif, or bmp";


// Here we check to see if a file with that name already exists
// You could get past filename problems by appending a timestamp to the filename and then continuing
if (file_exists($target_path_1))
        echo "A file with that name already exists";


// Lets attempt to move the file from its temporary directory to its new home
if (
    move_uploaded_file($image['tmp_name'], $target_path_1)
         // NOTE: This is where a lot of people make mistakes.
         // We are *not* putting the image into the database; we are putting a reference to the file's location on the server
         $sql = "insert into collections (ctitle, csubject, creference, cyear, cobjecttype, cmaterial, ctechnic, cwidth, cheight, cperiod, cmarkings, cdescription, csource, cartist, cfilename) values ('$ctitle', '$csubject', '$creference', '$cyear', '$cobjecttype', '$cmaterial', '$ctechnic', '$cwidth', '$cheight', '$cperiod', '$cmarkings', '$cdescription', '$csource', '$cartist', '" . $image['name'] . "')";
         $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Could not insert data into DataBase: " . mysql_error());

         // A common cause of file moving failures is because of bad permissions on the directory attempting to be written to
         // Make sure you chmod the directory to be writeable

       echo "Could not upload file. Check read/write persmissions on the directory";



//set connection variables
$host = "localhost";
$username = "joseph";
$password = "";
$db_name = "collectionsdb"; //database name

//connect to mysql server
$mysqli = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $db_name);

//check if any connection error was encountered
if(mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    echo "Error: Could not connect to database.";




2 に答える 2



3 つの段階があります。

  • データのアップロードにかかる時間 (ファイルサイズと接続速度によって異なります)
  • データベースに接続します (データベース サーバーの負荷に依存します)
  • サーバー上のファイルの移動(サーバーの負荷によって異なります)...

ローカルのテスト システムを使用している場合は、ウィルス スキャンも干渉している可能性があります。最初に投稿データをフィルタリングしてからファイルをスキャンし、移動したときにファイルを再度スキャンします(はい、かなり偏執的になる可能性があります...)。

アドバイス: 「print_r(microtime());」を入れてください。そこに入って見てください。

于 2013-03-14T10:16:07.430 に答える


パラメータ化されたクエリを使用してください。また、XSS に使用できるデータベースに挿入された html マークアップについても心配する必要があります。

留意すべきもう 1 つのポイントは、アップロード フォルダーのアクセス許可です。誰もが読み書きできないようにしてください。



于 2013-03-14T10:14:23.667 に答える