FNR==NR { id[$0]; next }
$0 in id { f=1 }
NF==0 { f=0 }
これが私が参照した Perl スクリプトですsgrep
。今年の変更点は、ライン#!/usr/bin/env perl
た。それ以外は、2007 年 9 月に書かれたものです。改善の余地があると思います。
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# @(#)$Id: sgrep.pl,v 1.7 2013/01/28 02:07:18 jleffler Exp $
# Perl-based SGREP (special grep) command
# Print lines around the line that matches (by default, 3 before and 3 after).
# By default, include file names if more than one file to search.
# Options:
# -b n1 Print n1 lines before match
# -f n2 Print n2 lines following match
# -n Print line numbers
# -h Do not print file names
# -H Do print file names
use warnings;
use strict;
use constant debug => 0;
use Getopt::Std;
sub usage
print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-hnH] [-b n1] [-f n2] pattern [file ...]\n";
exit 1;
usage unless getopts('hnf:b:H', \%opts);
usage unless @ARGV >= 1;
if ($opts{h} && $opts{H})
print STDERR "$0: mutually exclusive options -h and -H specified\n";
exit 1;
my $op = shift;
print "# regex = $op\n" if debug;
# print file names if -h omitted and more than one argument
$opts{F} = (defined $opts{H} || (!defined $opts{h} and scalar @ARGV > 1)) ? 1 : 0;
$opts{n} = 0 unless defined $opts{n};
my $before = (defined $opts{b}) ? $opts{b} + 0 : 3;
my $after = (defined $opts{f}) ? $opts{f} + 0 : 3;
print "# before = $before; after = $after\n" if debug;
my @lines = (); # Accumulated lines
my $tail = 0; # Line number of last line in list
my $tbp_1 = 0; # First line to be printed
my $tbp_2 = 0; # Last line to be printed
# Print lines from @lines in the range $tbp_1 .. $tbp_2,
# leaving $leave lines in the array for future use.
sub print_leaving
my ($leave) = @_;
while (scalar(@lines) > $leave)
my $line = shift @lines;
my $curr = $tail - scalar(@lines);
if ($tbp_1 <= $curr && $curr <= $tbp_2)
print "$ARGV:" if $opts{F};
print "$curr:" if $opts{n};
print $line;
# General logic:
# Accumulate each line at end of @lines.
# ** If current line matches, record range that needs printing
# ** When the line array contains enough lines, pop line off front and,
# if it needs printing, print it.
# At end of file, empty line array, printing requisite accumulated lines.
while (<>)
# Add this line to the accumulated lines
push @lines, $_;
$tail = $.;
printf "# array: N = %d, last = $tail: %s", scalar(@lines), $_ if debug > 1;
if (m/$op/o)
# This line matches - set range to be printed
my $lo = $. - $before;
$tbp_1 = $lo if ($lo > $tbp_2);
$tbp_2 = $. + $after;
print "# $. MATCH: print range $tbp_1 .. $tbp_2\n" if debug;
# Print out any accumulated lines that need printing
# Leave $before lines in array.
if (eof)
# Print out any accumulated lines that need printing
# Reset for next file
close ARGV;
$tbp_1 = 0;
$tbp_2 = 0;
$tail = 0;
@lines = ();
との代わりに、試合前-b 1
の行と試合後の行のオプションを使用します。-f 1
gnu grep、またはをサポートするgrepがある-C
grep -w -f file1 -C 1 input
FNR==NR { id[$0]; next }
$0 in id { print prev; f=1 }
f{ f += 1; print}
f == 3 { f=0 }
{ prev = $0 }