Cashflows オンライン決済システムを使用しており、Web ページのフォームに基づいて動的に生成された価格をサーバーに送信しようとしています。ただし、Cashflows ターミナルに送信する必要がある POST リクエスト内に、ハッシュ キーを含む入力フィールドを含める必要があります。私の問題は、統合ガイドが示唆するように、ハッシュが秘密鍵に基づいており、この鍵が価格であるパラメーターの 1 つを使用して生成されることです (以下を参照) 。
PHP を使用して、以下の POST パラメーターを含むフォームをポータルに送信するにはどうすればよいですか?
$secret_key = 'foobar';
$store_id = $_POST['store_id'];
$cart_id = $_POST['cart_id'];
$amount = $_POST['amount'];
$currency = $_POST['currency'];
$test = $_POST['test'];
$description = $_POST['description'];
echo $check = hash('sha256', $secret_key . ':' . $store_id . ':' . $cart_id . ':' . $amount . ':' . $currency . ':' . $test . ':' . $description);
$price = $_POST['price'];
$qty = $_POST['qty'];
$carriage_amount = $_POST['carriage_amount'];
$postage_and_packaging = $_POST['postage_and_packaging'];
$name = $_POST['name'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$postcode = $_POST['postcode'];
$country = $_POST['country'];
$tel = $_POST['tel'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$amount = $_POST['amount'];
<form action="submit.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="store_id" value="5939523" />
<input type="hidden" name="cart_id" value="captubes" />
<input type="hidden" name="currency" value="GBP" />
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="description" value="Fruush" />
<input type="hidden" name="check" value="SOME KEY HERE" />
<script type="text/javascript" type="text/javascript">
// The next two functions round numbers to numerical formatting. They do not need to be altered when adding or removing products.
function roundOff2(value, precision) {
return places(value,1,precision);
function places(X, M, N) {
var T, S=new String(Math.round(X*Number("1e"+N)))
while (S.length<M+N) S='0'+S
var y = S.substr(0, T=(S.length-N));
y += '.' + S.substr(T, N);
return y;
// This function checks for empty quantities. It does not need to be altered when adding or removing products.
function CheckNull2(value) {
if (value == "") {
value = "0";
return value;
// This function defines the postage and packaging location. It does not need to be altered when adding or removing products.
function typeOfCarriage(x,whereabouts) {
x.carriage_amount.value = whereabouts;
// This function addeds the postage and packaging to the total price of the products. Add new postage rates here, and also edit further down the page to add them to the table.
function calculate(x) {
basicprice = calc(x);
if( Number(basicprice) > 0 ) {
var postage_and_packaging = 0;
switch (x.carriage_amount.value) {
case "uk" :
postage_and_packaging = 1.99;
case "europe" :
postage_and_packaging = 2.99;
default :
postage_and_packaging = 4.99;
x.amount.value = Number(basicprice) + postage_and_packaging;
} else {
x.amount.value = "0";
x.amount.value = roundOff2(x.amount.value,2);
// The standard price, exluding postage and packaging is calculated here. It does not need to be altered when adding or removing products.
function calc(x) {
var b = Number(CheckNull2(x.price.value));
var c = Number(CheckNull2(x.qty.value));
var a = (b * c);
return a;
<h3>Number of caps</h3>
Tube of 6 caps: £4.99 - Quantity: <input name="price" value="4.99" type="hidden" /><input name="qty" size="3" value="1" />
<h3>Postage & Packaging:</h3>
<input name="carriage_amount" value="uk" type="hidden">
<input checked="checked" name="postage_and_packaging" onClick="typeOfCarriage(this.form,'uk');calculate(this.form)" value="" type="radio" />UK (£1.99)
<input name="postage_and_packaging" onClick="typeOfCarriage(this.form,'europe');calculate(this.form)" value="" type="radio" />Europe(£2.99)
<input name="postage_and_packaging" onClick="typeOfCarriage(this.form,'world');calculate(this.form)" value="" type="radio" />Rest of World (£4.99)
<h3>Your Details (you will get a chance to change these):</h3>
<span style="width: 100px; float: left;">Name:</span> <input type="text" name="name" /><br />
<span style="width: 100px; float: left;">Address:</span> <input type="text" name="address" /><br />
<span style="width: 100px; float: left;">Postcode:</span> <input type="text" name="postcode" /><br />
<span style="width: 100px; float: left;">Country:</span> <input type="text" name="country" /><br />
<span style="width: 100px; float: left;">Telephone:</span> <input type="text" name="tel" /><br />
<span style="width: 100px; float: left;">Email:</span> <input type="text" name="email" />
<input name="calcButton" onClick="calculate(this.form)" value="Calculate Total" type="button"> Total: £ <input type="text" name="amount" value="6.98" />
<input value="Checkout" onClick="calculate(this.form)" type="submit" />