

1,2,2,0,"Welcome","","Html",1,1,0,0,0,"2005-11-22 20:36:00","2005-11-22 20:36:00",\N,\N,"2005-11-22 20:36:00",\N
13,5,5,0,"Custom Feilds","Hi Echilon\,\
I've been fiddling with iZeit Calendar a bit (though I haven't published anything\, as that would be inapropriate without your permission) and I have tried\, without success\, to add extra fields to both the input form and the calendar output.\
So far I've added the extra columns to the database\, attempted to edit the multiple queries in functions.php -> addevent() function with little success.\
I was wondering if you could help me out a bit in better understanding the flow of data from input fields to database query.\
Once I get the data into the database\, I shouldn't see any future problems of displaying it.\
I would also like to note that you've done a fantastic job with this software!\
-Ax","Html",4,1830,0,0,0,"2006-02-23 00:14:43","2006-02-24 18:57:53",\N,\N,"2006-02-24 18:57:53",\N
3,4,2,0,"[Wallpaper] Aeon Genesis","<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/24402244/\"></a><img src=\"http://mi6.nu/aeon_small.jpg\" border=\"0\" />\
<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/24402244/\">Full Size - 1600x1200</a>\
I made this in 2004\, it's an edited photo of the view from my window at sunset.","Html",1,1052,0,0,0,"2005-11-23 09:46:29","2005-11-23 09:46:29",\N,\N,"2005-11-23 09:46:29",\N
4,7,2,0,"Moodsig","This is a script which lets you pick a mood from a control panel\, then have it display that mood in a sig\, along with a random quote from a database. It's not quite finished yet\, but it should be released sometime this week. I just have to track down the guys who made the smileys for permission. It's a bit buggy at the minute\, but it should be working in a few days.\
At the minute\, you need PHP and a MySQL database\, but I might release a version which only needs php and a text file if there's demand for it.\
This is the control panel\, which controls the sig I'm using now.\
<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://mi6.nu/moodsig_0.8.jpg\"></a><img src=\"http://mi6.nu/moodsig_0.8_thumb.jpg\" border=\"0\" />","Html",1,1100,0,0,0,"2005-11-23 15:38:56","2005-11-23 15:38:56",\N,\N,"2005-11-23 15:38:56",\N
5,4,2,0,"Dynasig 1.0","Dynasig lets you set your current mood with a web based control panel\, then display it aswell as a random quote in a signature which you can use on a forum.\
You'll need a webserver with PHP and MySQL. In the future\, I might release a version that doesn't need MySQL\, but for now\, you have to have it. \
1) Set up a database on ...


3,4,2,0,"[Wallpaper] Aeon Genesis","<a ta
5,4,2,0,"Dynasig 1.0","Dynasig l



1 に答える 1


特定の区切り文字 (コンマなど) のみを扱っている場合は、BULK INSERTタスクを使用できます (参照: http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2008/02/06/sql-server-import-csv-file- into-sql-server-using-bulk-insert-load-comma-delimited-file-into-sql-server/ )。

INSERT ForumTable
FROM 'c:\ForumFlatFile.txt'

特定のタグとステートメントをインポートしたい場合(OPからはわかりません、申し訳ありません)、関数をお勧めします。たとえば、フォーラムの投稿がどのようにエクスポートされるかに応じて、タグ間の特定の値を解析できる関数を作成します (たとえば、A HREFタグを解析する関数)。フォーラムの投稿が特定のパターンで開始および終了する場合があり、関数はこれらの開始タグと終了タグを「認識」し、値の間の値を取得できます。

于 2013-03-15T20:35:57.913 に答える