import java.util.*;
public class PrimeFactors {
public static void main(String args[]) {
long num;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("\n\n\nThis program finds the prime factors of a given number.\n");
System.out.print("Please enter the number: ");
num = in.nextLong();
System.out.println("\nThe prime factors are: " + primeFactor(num) + "\n");
public static ArrayList<Long> primeFactor(long n) {
long output = 0;
long guess = 2;
ArrayList<Long> primeFactors = new ArrayList<Long>();
while (guess <= n) {
long primes = 0;
long i = 2;
long x = 0;
long rt = 1;
long duplicate = 0;
output = n % guess;
// Finds the sqrt.
while (x <= n) {
x = rt * rt;
// Finds odd factors.
if ((output == 0) && (guess % 2 != 0)) {
// This divides the odd factor by an incrementing number that is not 1 or the number itself.
while (i < rt) {
primes = primes + (guess % i);
// If the sum of the remainders to the division is not 0, then the number is prime.
// I used duplicate to make sure it didn't just go through once and count as prime.
if (primes != 0){
// There were duplicates, so I added them for the division later.
duplicate = duplicate + guess;
// This was used to wait for the while loop to finish, then find if the amount of times the guess went through was equal to its value - 1 and another 1 for the final number (primes are only divisible by one and itself).
if (i == (factors - 1)) {
if ((duplicate / guess) == (guess- 2)) {
return primeFactors;