I'm developing a quickblox application using Adobe AIR, which forces me to use the REST Api instead of the native libraries. I can't get the push notifications to work for offline Messages or the admin panel. Here's the details of what I do:

Admin panel:

  1. uploaded Apple certificates for both Devel and Production push notifications
  2. Setup project ID and server key for GCM

on Application Activate:

Register with APNS. Get device token:


Generate udid for device. This is not Apple's device UDID, since it is now deprecated. I generate one myself. I'm saying this just in case this could be the problem

Login to Quickblox as user with device info



Login is ok. Create push token. As client_identification_sequence I use the token retrieved from Apple




Quickblox returns a token 153323 so I assume everything is ok

Now create subscription





Quickblox returns the following


UDid matches udid I passed from login. Everything looks good

Now I go to Admin panel and try to send Message. Admin panel says:

Notification has been successfully added to queue

If I go to queue, message shows as 'sent' but I never receive the notification in my device.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


1 に答える 1




1) 合格する必要はありません



2) udid - ユーザーは複数のデバイスを持つことができるため、ユーザーのデバイスを分離するだけです。したがって、ユーザーの特定のデバイスを一意に識別する「udid」に任意の値を渡すことができます

3) 管理パネルからメッセージを送信した場合 - クライアント側ですべて問題ないと思います。そのため、APNS 証明書を確認して、再アップロードしてください。

于 2013-03-25T14:25:49.200 に答える