C# と WPF では、どのように描画しImage
ますか? オンラインで検索してみましたが、図形の描画や背景の設定に関するチュートリアルがすべて見つかりましたImage
<Window x:Class="MiscSamples.ChessBoard"
Title="ChessBoard" Height="300" Width="300">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ChessPiece}">
<Image Source="{Binding ImageSource}"/>
<UniformGrid Rows="8" Columns="8" Opacity=".5">
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<Rectangle Fill="Black"/>
<Rectangle Fill="White"/>
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<Grid IsItemsHost="True">
<Style TargetType="ContentPresenter">
<Setter Property="Grid.Row" Value="{Binding Row}"/>
<Setter Property="Grid.Column" Value="{Binding Column}"/>
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace MiscSamples
public partial class ChessBoard : Window
public ObservableCollection<ChessPiece> Pieces { get; set; }
public ChessBoard()
Pieces = new ObservableCollection<ChessPiece>();
DataContext = Pieces;
private void NewGame()
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 0, Column = 0, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Tower, IsBlack = true});
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 0, Column = 1, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Knight, IsBlack = true });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 0, Column = 2, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Bishop, IsBlack = true });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 0, Column = 3, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Queen, IsBlack = true });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 0, Column = 4, Type = ChessPieceTypes.King, IsBlack = true });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 0, Column = 5, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Bishop, IsBlack = true });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 0, Column = 6, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Knight, IsBlack = true });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 0, Column = 7, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Tower, IsBlack = true });
Enumerable.Range(0, 8).Select(x => new ChessPiece()
Row = 1,
Column = x,
IsBlack = true,
Type = ChessPieceTypes.Pawn
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 7, Column = 0, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Tower, IsBlack = false });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 7, Column = 1, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Knight, IsBlack = false });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 7, Column = 2, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Bishop, IsBlack = false });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 7, Column = 3, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Queen, IsBlack = false });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 7, Column = 4, Type = ChessPieceTypes.King, IsBlack = false });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 7, Column = 5, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Bishop, IsBlack = false });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 7, Column = 6, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Knight, IsBlack = false });
Pieces.Add(new ChessPiece() { Row = 7, Column = 7, Type = ChessPieceTypes.Tower, IsBlack = false });
Enumerable.Range(0, 8).Select(x => new ChessPiece()
Row = 6,
Column = x,
IsBlack = false,
Type = ChessPieceTypes.Pawn
public class ChessPiece: INotifyPropertyChanged
public bool IsBlack { get; set; }
public ChessPieceTypes Type { get; set; }
private int _row;
public int Row
get { return _row; }
_row = value;
private int _column;
public int Column
get { return _column; }
_column = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public string ImageSource
get { return "../ChessPieces/" + (IsBlack ? "Black" : "White") + Type.ToString() + ".png"; }
public enum ChessPieceTypes
UI の作成に純粋な XAML を使用していることに注意してください。コードでUI要素を作成したり操作したりすることは決してありません。WPF はそれを必要とせず、お勧めもしません。
WPF への推奨されるアプローチは、MVVMを使用し、 UI がデータではないことを理解することです。
私のコードをコピーして a に貼り付けて、File -> New Project -> WPF Application
また、イメージ ファイルを に設定する必要があることにも注意してくださいBuild Action: Resource
覚えておいてください: これは に対する WPF のアプローチEVERYTHING
です。WPF のコードで UI 要素を操作したり、描画などを行う必要はほとんどありません。
//Initialize image and stuff
int Width = 100;
int Height = 100;
int nStride = (Width * PixelFormats.Bgra32.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
Int32Rect ImageDimentions = new Int32Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
int[] ImageArr = new ImageArr[Height * nStride];
//Manually paint your image
for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
//X and Y means pixel(X,Y) in cartesian plane 1 quadrant mirrored around X axis
//Down is the Y from 0 to height, and right to left is X from 0 to width
int index = (Y * Width + X) * 4;
ImageArr[index + 0] = (byte)0; //Blue
ImageArr[index + 1] = (byte)0; //Green
ImageArr[index + 2] = (byte)0; //Red
ImageArr[index + 3] = (byte)255; //Alpha
//Push your data to a Bitmap
WriteableBitmap BmpToWriteOn = new WriteableBitmap(Width, Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
BmpToWriteOn.WritePixels(ImageDimentions, ImageArr, nStride, 0, 0);
//Push your bitmap to Xaml Image
YourXamlImage.Source = BmpToWriteOn;