I have parent process that use process.start(..) for a another process.
The child process will later on have WCF service that i call an Initialized() on it.
Before calling any methods, I would like to verify and make sure the process has started ok.
right now my code is:
Process driverProcess = new Process();
driverProcess.StartInfo.FileName = ".."
and then i use my WCF Service client:
It is working since process is starting ok, but i dont have any indication for this.
E.g if the computer does not allow to start new process, the Process.Start() wont work, and my client will try to .initialize() an non-existing WCF service.
What technique can i use in order to know the process has started ? Named pipes client-server?
I CANT use process.WaitForInputIdle() since this is Winform application that i removed the form1() from it. "Gui less window application".