I have a string with a "bad" formatted date & time which I need to convert to a Date object so I can format it's contents using the SimpleDateFormat and the current Locale.

However, no matter how I try, I can never get the ouput to show the correct time, I convert from a PST time (UTC-8) to GMT, but the printed hour is +1 hour too much, GMT is only +7 from the (currently PDT) timezone.

I've tried the code on two Android devices, one set to GMT and one set to CET, one Android emulator, and running from command-line, all of them get the hour wrong. (+1)

What am I doing wrong in my code below?

    String sourceSDFformatter = "MMM d, h:mm a Z";
    String destSDFformatter = "EEEEE, MMMMM dd, HH:mm";
    String dateString = "Mar 20th, 10:00 AM PST".replaceAll("st|nd|rd|th", "");

    SimpleDateFormat sourceSDF = new SimpleDateFormat(sourceSDFformatter, Locale.US);
    SimpleDateFormat destSDF = new SimpleDateFormat(destSDFformatter, Locale.UK);

    TimeZone sourceTZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
    TimeZone destTZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");


    Date myDate = sourceSDF.parse(dateString);
    myDate.setYear(new Date().getYear());

    System.out.println("Your Time: " + destSDF.format(myDate));


Your Time: Wednesday, March 20, 18:00

When my expected output would be: Your Time: Wednesday, March 20, 17:00.

I've tried the SO answer in Conversion of local time zone to GMT in java and it works perfectly if I change TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"), then the printed hour is +7 hours ahead which is correct.


1 に答える 1


フォーマット文字列のZは、タイムゾーンが から動的に設定されdateString、フォーマッタ自体の timeZone が に対して無視されることを意味しますparse()。dateString はPST日付がPST

フォーマットに 4 桁の年を追加し、dateString

于 2013-03-20T17:58:59.243 に答える