I was just wondering what is the order of execution of various features been provided by jsp
- scriplets
- tag library
- Expression language
<%-- page directive: This would go as the import of the generated class so executes first --%>
<%@ page import="my.foo" %>
<%@ page import="your.foo" %>
<% // this would be second & goes in _jspService method
out.println("This is a sample scriptlet");
<%-- // JSTL Tag: this third (goes in _jspService method) --%>
<c:if test="<%= true %>">
<%-- // this fourth --%>
<%= "Sample expression. This will print only after the if is executed ... what! Ofcourse it is obvious :-)" %>
<!-- EL: this fourth (goes in _jspService method) -->
<% // Scriptlet: this fifth (goes in _jspService method)
if (true) {
This should be printed after the zero of expression language :-)
<!-- (goes in _jspService method) -->
// this sixth (goes in _jspService method)
Just some HTML element to make is more interesting.
I wonder I am even answering this question !!
Is it for points ... ssshhhhhh ...
<%! // Declaration: executes before everything (goes as an instance variable) may be placed before or after the _jspService method depends on the container
boolean declareME = true;