

var i = 123;
var test2 = from t in TheormProver.NewTheorm()
            let f = TheormProver.Func<int, bool>()
            let a = TheormProver.Int
            let g = TheormProver.Func<bool, int>()
            where !f(a * 2) && g(f(g(f(4)))) == i * a && a < g(f(a))
            select new { f = f.ToString(), g = g.ToString(), a, asd = "Test extra property" };

var solution = test2.Solve(); // Edited in for clarification
// note that test2 is a TheormProver<T> which has a "T Solve()" method defined.



TL; DR:私が抱えている問題はfg変数をフィールドとプロパティを追加できるカスタムタイプにしたいということですが、それでも、ここで得た構文でそれらを使用できるようにしたいです。句(つまり、メソッドとして/ Func)。




var test2 = from t in TheormProver.NewTheorm()
            let f = TheormProver.Func<int, bool>()
            let a = TheormProver.Int
            where !f(a * 2) && a > 3 // f is used to create a method call expression
            select new { f , a };

var testSolution = test2.Solve();

var fSolution = testSolution.f; // F is its own type with unique properties/fields.

var fConstraints = fSolution.Constraints;

var fSomeProperty = fSolution.SomeProperty;

foreach(var constraint in fConstraints)



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class TheormProver
        public static int Int { get { return default(int); } } // Really this would return my Variable<int>
        public static Func<T, TResult> Func<T, TResult>() { return default(Func<T, TResult>); } // Really this would return my Variable<Func<T, TResult>>

        protected List<Expression> Constraints; // Holds constraints / where clauses that get translated into the Z3 language

        //This gets called when we do the first "let" and gets us into the correctly typed world with a generic parameter
        public virtual TheormProver<T> Select<T>(Func<TheormProver, T> sel)
            return new TheormProver<T>(Constraints);

    // This is what the user of the library sees and is returned by a from t in new TheormProver(). T will be the anonymous type from the last let
    class TheormProver<T> : TheormProver
        public TheormProver(List<Expression> Constraints)


        // This gets called on subsequent "let"s, going from the anonymous type with one property "f" to one with 2, "f, g". Chaining this way allows as many lets as we want
        public virtual TheormProver<U> Select<U>(Expression<Func<T, U>> sel)
            return new TheormProver<T, U>(sel, Constraints.ToList());

        public virtual TheormProver<T> Where(Expression<Func<T, bool>> constraint)
            var result = (TheormProver<T>)this; // This should be a clone to allow composable queries


            return result;

        public virtual T Solve(out bool foundSolution)
            // TODO: Call Z3 and get a solution
            foundSolution = false;
            return default(T);

    internal class TheormProver<T, U> : TheormProver<U>
        private LambdaExpression Selector;
        private TheormProver<T> InternalTheorumProver;

        public TheormProver(Expression<Func<T, U>> selector, List<Expression> constraints)
            : base(constraints)
            Selector = selector;
            InternalTheorumProver = new TheormProver<T>(constraints);

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var test = from t in new TheormProver()
                       let f = TheormProver.Func<int, bool>()
                       let g = TheormProver.Func<bool, int>()
                       let a = TheormProver.Int
                       where g(f(a)) == 0
                       select new { f, g, a };

            bool foundSolution;
            var testSolution = test.Solve(out foundSolution);

2 に答える 2



少し動的な魔法を使えば、次のクラスをドロップインの代わりに使用できますFunc<T1, T2>

public class MyCallable<T1, T2> : DynamicObject
    private readonly Expression<Func<T1, T2> > _wrapped;
    private readonly Func<T1, T2> _compiled;

    public MyCallable(Expression<Func<T1, T2>> towrap) 
        _wrapped = towrap; _compiled = _wrapped.Compile(); 

    public override bool TryInvoke(InvokeBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
        if ( (args.Length == 1) && 
             (args[0].GetType() == typeof(T1)))
            Console.WriteLine(@"Invoking ""{0}"" on {1}", _wrapped, args[0]);
            result = _compiled((T1) args[0]);
            return true;
            //throw new ArgumentException("Cannot invoke " + _wrapped + " with the arguments passed");
            result = null;
            return false;


// in "TheormProver"
public static dynamic Func<T1, T2>() { return new MyCallable<T1, T2>(arg1 => default(T2)); }



Invoking "arg1 => False" on 0
Invoking "arg1 => False" on 4
Invoking "arg1 => 0" on False
Invoking "arg1 => False" on 0
Invoking "arg1 => 0" on False
Invoking "arg1 => False" on 0
Invoking "arg1 => 0" on False


using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Dynamic;

public class Program
    public class MyCallable<T1, T2> : DynamicObject
        private readonly Expression<Func<T1, T2> > _wrapped;
        private readonly Func<T1, T2> _compiled;

        public MyCallable(Expression<Func<T1, T2>> towrap) 
            _wrapped = towrap; _compiled = _wrapped.Compile(); 

        public override bool TryInvoke(InvokeBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
            if ( (args.Length == 1) && 
                 (args[0].GetType() == typeof(T1)))
                Console.WriteLine(@"Invoking ""{0}"" on {1}", _wrapped, args[0]);
                result = _compiled((T1) args[0]);
                return true;
                //throw new ArgumentException("Cannot invoke " + _wrapped + " with the arguments passed");
                result = null;
                return false;

    public static class TheormProver
        public static object[] NewTheorm() { return new object[] { 1 }; }
        public static dynamic Func<T1, T2>() { return new MyCallable<T1, T2>(arg1 => default(T2)); }
        public static int Int { get; set; }

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var i = 123;
        var test2 = from t in TheormProver.NewTheorm()
            let f = TheormProver.Func<int, bool>()
            let a = TheormProver.Int
            let g = TheormProver.Func<bool, int>()
            where !f(a * 2) && g(f(g(f(4)))) == i * a && a < g(f(a))
            select new { f = f.ToString(), g = g.ToString(), a, asd = "Test extra property" };


于 2013-03-22T09:50:38.653 に答える

operator ()デリゲート型にカスタムメンバーを追加したり、C#でオーバーロードしたりすることはできません。それはあなたに拡張メソッドを残します。

Func<int, int>ここで、名前空間を汚染するため、のような非常に一般的なデリゲートタイプに拡張機能を追加する必要はありません。次のようなカスタムデリゲートを作成することをお勧めします。

delegate TResult Z3Func<T1, TResult>(T1 arg1);



于 2013-03-22T09:37:38.083 に答える