<?php do_shortcode('[print_wp_footer]'); ?>
テーマの Footer.php に追加されました。
WordPress は次のエラーを返します。
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /.../wp-content/plugins/wp-footer-menu/main.php on line 192
foreach ($values as $attr=>$val) {
function wp_footer_menu_confirm_delete ($delete) {
$base_uri = wp_footer_menu_base_uri();
// Find out about this menu item.
$menu_items = get_option ( 'footer_menu_links' );
$item_to_delete = explode( ',', $menu_items[$delete] );
$item_title = $item_to_delete[0];
$item_address = $item_to_delete[1];
// Create form for user to confirm option.
echo '<h3>Confirm Delete</h3>';
echo '<p>Are you sure you want to delete this menu item?</p>';
echo '<p>Title: ' . $item_title . '</p>' ;
echo '<p>Address: ' . $item_address . '</p>';
echo '<form method="post" action="' . $base_uri . '">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="delete_key" value="' . $delete . '" />';
echo wp_nonce_field( 'confirm_delete', 'delete' );
echo '<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="Delete item" />';
echo '</form>';
function wp_footer_menu_process() {
if ( isset( $_GET[ 'delete' ] ) ) {
$nonce = $_GET ['nonce'];
if ( wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'footer_delete' ) ) {
wp_footer_menu_confirm_delete ( $_GET[ 'delete' ] );
return 0;
} else if ( isset( $_POST[ 'delete_key' ] ) && check_admin_referer ( 'confirm_delete', 'delete' ) ) {
$menu_items = get_option ( 'footer_menu_links' );
$key = $_POST['delete_key'];
unset ( $menu_items[$key] );
update_option ( 'footer_menu_links', $menu_items );
if ( isset( $_POST[ 'link_title' ] ) && check_admin_referer( 'footer_menu', 'add' ) ) {
$link_title = $_POST ['link_title'];
$link_address = $_POST ['link_address'];
$link_order = $_POST ['link_order'];
$new_link = $link_title . ',' . $link_address . ',' . $link_order;
$footer_links = get_option( 'footer_menu_links' );
if ($footer_links == '') {
$footer_links = array();
$new_links = array_push( $footer_links, $new_link );
update_option ( 'footer_menu_links', $footer_links );
if ( isset( $_POST[ 'font-size' ] ) && check_admin_referer( 'footer_menu', 'save' ) ) {
if (empty($_POST['auto-footer'])) {
$_POST['auto-footer'] = 'no';
if (empty($_POST['auto-sticky'])) {
$_POST['auto-sticky'] = 'no';
update_option('wp_footer_values', $_POST);
echo '<div class="wp_footer_info" style="margin:0 auto;margin-top:5px;text-align:center;">Customizations Saved</div>';
return 1;
function wp_footer_print_menu() {
$menu = wp_footer_get_menu();
$values = get_option('wp_footer_values');
--192--> foreach ($values as $attr=>$val) {
$menu = str_replace('%' . $attr . '%', stripslashes($val), $menu);
echo $menu;
if ($values['auto-sticky'] == 'yes') {
<style type="text/css">
.wp_footer_sticky {
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {