This is the link to the actual HTML:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('https://www.google.com/finance?q=NYSE%3AAA&fstype=iii'))

And an approximate HTML snippet:

<div id="incannualdiv">
  <table id="fs-table">
        <td>Net Income</td>

These are the details I'm working with:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open('https://www.google.com/finance?q=NYSE%3AAA&fstype=iii'))
div = doc.at "div[@id='incannualdiv']" #div containing the table i want
table = div.at 'table' #table containing tbody i want
tbody = table.at 'tbody' #tbody containing tr's I want
trs = tbody.at 'tr' #SHOULD be all tr's of that table/tbody - but it's only the first TR?

I expect that last bit to give me ALL the <TR> tags, which would include the <TD> I'm looking for, but in fact it only gives me the first <TR>.

Here's the next piece:

irb(main):023:0> a = nil
=> nil
irb(main):024:0> doc.css('#incannualdiv > #fs-table tr').each { |e| if e.text.include? "Net Income\n"; a = e.text; end}
=> 0
irb(main):025:0> a
=> "Net Income\n\n191.00\n611.00\n254.00\n-1,151.00\n"
irb(main):026:0> a.split"\n"
=> ["Net Income", "", "191.00", "611.00", "254.00", "-1,151.00"]

1 に答える 1


This should do it.

doc.css('#incannualdiv > #fs-table tr')

at_css (and I guess at) returns one element where css returns all matching.

Edit: Answer to OP's Comment

You can get the text in the tr which is actually the text in its children tds by using the text method

trs = doc.css('#incannualdiv > #fs-table tr')
# Get column labels from table headers
labels = trs.first.css('th')[1..-1].map(&:text)
net_income_tr = trs.detect { |tr|
  tr.css('td').any? { |td| td.text.strip =~ /^Net Income$/ }
# drop first tr that just has Net Income text
# I gave up on error checking. Exercise left to reader ;)
# this will give you an array of floats for your Net Income columns
net_income_columns = net_income_tr.css('td')[1..-1].map { |td| td.text.gsub(',','_').to_f }

labeled_values = net_income_columns.each_with_index.map { |value, i| { label: labels[i].strip, value: value } }
于 2013-03-23T01:22:05.877 に答える