;; Once upon a time I opened a REPL and wrote a protocol
;; definition:
(defprotocol SomeProtocol
(f [this]))
;; And a record:
(defrecord SomeRecord []
(f [this]
"I don't do a whole lot."))
;; And a very useful side-effect free function!
(defn some-function []
(f (SomeRecord.)))
;; I call my function...
;; ...to see exactly what I expect:
;; user=> "I don't do a whole lot."
;; Unsatisfied with the result, I tweak my record a little bit:
(defrecord SomeRecord []
(f [this]
"I do a hell of a lot!"))
;; user=> "I don't do a whole lot."
私にはバグのように見えます。c ++ユーザーグループで非常に多くの誤ったコンパイラのバグレポートを見た後、私は確信が持てません。