I have a windows forms application that has several comboboxes populated with sql database table values.
this is a example of the code for one:
public void brandSelectCB(ComboBox cb)
string sSQL = " SELECT" +
" id, name" +
" FROM" +
" tbBrand" +
" name";
sqlConnect connect = new sqlConnect();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = connect.getBD(sSQL);
cb.DataSource = dt;
cb.DisplayMember = "name";
cb.ValueMember = "id";
My main form has several records like: model, brand, type and when i want to edit a specific recor, I select the record and click the edit button, that enters the values into the corresponding textboxes and comboxes, like this:
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.txtID.Text = lvMain.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text;
this.cbBrand.SelectedText = lvMain.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text;
this.cbModel.SelectedText = lvMain.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text;
this.txtName.Text = lvMain.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text;
this.cbType.SelectedText = lvMain.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[4].Text;
works fine, i get the text to the combobox and texboxes, but the values of the comboboxes aren't selected, only the text is. if I chose SelectedValue
or SelectedItem
I get nothing. I have the corresponding text from the selected item but I have to choose all over again the values from the comboboxes :(
was i clear ? :P