Handily I just wrote an example of how to do this with plain text files that'll apply equally well to xml
files. See the question updating table rows based on txt file.
It turns out you can do this with psql
regress=> CREATE TABLE xmldemo(id serial primary key, blah xml);
regress=> \set test = `cat some.xml`
regress=> INSERT INTO xmldemo(blah) VALUES (:'test');
If you're doing lots of this you might want to drive psql
using a co-process or at least to generate SQL and pipe it into psql
's stdin, so you don't have to do all that connection setup/teardown over and over.
Alternately, doing it with the shell:
sep=$(printf '%04x%04x\n' $RANDOM $RANDOM)
psql <<__END__
INSERT INTO mytable(myxmlcolumn) VALUES (
\$x${sep}\$$(cat ${xmlfilename})\$x${sep}\$
The random separator generation is to protect against (unlikely) injection attacks that rely on knowing or guessing the dollar quoting separator tag.
You're going to be much saner and happier if you use a proper scripting language and PostgreSQL client library like Perl with DBI
and DBD::Pg
, Python with psycopg2
or Ruby with the Pg
gem for any non-trivial work. Significant work with databases in the shell leads to pain, suffering, and excessive use of co-processes.