servicestack/bundlerを使用して、powershell ビルド スクリプト内から js および css ファイルを結合および縮小しています。

_Layoutこのビルド プロセスの一環として、結果の javascript ファイルと css ファイルをファイル内で見つけて、クエリ文字列のバージョンを自動的に追加したいと考えています。


<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/Content/app.min.css?v=1")" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Content/app.min.js?v=1")"></script>


<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/Content/app.min.css?v=2")" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Content/app.min.js?v=2")"></script>



1 に答える 1


私はそれを理解し、ソリューションをgithubにアップロードしました。ファイルの末尾にクエリ文字列パラメーターを追加する代わりに、ファイル名に MD5 ハッシュを使用することにしました。この理由は、一部のプロキシがクエリ文字列を含むファイルをキャッシュしていないためです。



#region Variables
    $directoryPath = Split-Path ((Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value).MyCommand.Path   # directory the script is running from (document root)
    $jsFilePath = "assets\scripts\"                                                  # scripts path will end with trailing slash "\"
    $cssFilePath = "assets\css\"                                                     # css path will end with a trailing slash "\"
    $jsFileNameRegex = [regex] '(nameOfYourProject\.).*(\.min\.js)'                  # myApp.asdf1234.min.js
    $cssFileNameRegex = [regex] '(nameOfYourProject\.).*(\.min\.css)'                # myApp.asdf1234.min.js
    $filesContainingVersionedResourceRefs = @("$directoryPath\index.html")           # array of files to search for script/css references

#region Functions

# Function which versions javascript and css files using the content hash.
# NOTE: this assumes that you have two "default" versions of your combined files
#    nameOfYourProject.css/js
#    nameOfYourProject.min.css/js
function versionResource($fileToVersionRegex, $filePath){

    # Gets the default file name from the regex
    $defaultFileName = $fileToVersionRegex.ToString() -replace "(\()|(\))|(\\)|(\*)", ""
    $defaultFileName = $defaultFileName -replace "\.\.\.", "."

    # Gets the content of the default file and creates a hash
    $fileContent = Get-Content $filePath\$defaultFileName
    $md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
    $utf8 = new-object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding
    $hash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash($utf8.GetBytes($fileContent)))
    $versionHash = $hash.Replace('-', '')

    # Creates a new file name based on the content hash
    $newFileName = $defaultFileName -replace "\.min", ".$versionHash.min"

    # Tries to get the old versioned file name
    $fileToVersion = Get-ChildItem $filePath | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $fileToVersionRegex}
    if($fileToVersion -ne $null) {
        $oldFileName = $fileToVersion.Name

    # $newFileName is still just a string at this point.
    # If the new version name doesn't match the old version name,
    # then we know that we need to update everything to the new version.
    if($oldFileName -ne $newFileName) {

        # OPTIONAL
        # remove the obsolete version of the file to be versioned
        # You may choose to NOT remove the versioned file, however
        # since it "should" be in your version control, you can roll back if necessary
        if($fileToVersion -ne $null) {
            Remove-Item $filePath$oldFileName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        # rename the default file with the new file name
        Rename-Item -literalPath $filePath$defaultFileName -NewName $newFileName

        # loop through all of the specified source files and replace with the appropriate versioned file
        foreach($private:file in $filesContainingVersionedResourceRefs){
            $fileContent = Get-Content $private:file
            Clear-Content $file

            if($oldFileName -ne $null){
                # replace the old version string if it exists
                $newFileContent = $fileContent -replace "$oldFileName","$newFileName"
            } else {
                # replace the default version string if it exists
                $newFileContent = $fileContent -replace "$defaultFileName","$newFileName"                

            Add-Content $private:file $newFileContent


    # OPTIONAL: remove original files
    # this just keeps your directory clean and free of unneeded versions of the css/js
    $private:nonMinifiedVersion = $defaultFileName -replace ".min", ""
    Remove-Item -LiteralPath $filePath$defaultFileName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Remove-Item -LiteralPath $filePath$private:nonMinifiedVersion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


# version the Javascript
versionResource $jsFileNameRegex $jsFilePath

# version the css
versionResource $cssFileNameRegex $cssFilePath  
于 2013-03-28T20:05:33.110 に答える