I am working on embedding a SWF that is just a converted PDF created with InDesign. The SWF is 15 pages, 1 page per frame. It does include TLF text and there is no way around that unless the document is completely recreated in Flash. The problem is that when I load the SWF into my application, I never have access to the root MovieClip.

this.loader = new Loader();
this.loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.INIT, this.loaderInitHandler );
this.loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, this.loaderInitHandler );
this.loader.load( new URLRequest( "assets/doc.swf" ) );

When I look at the loader after both the INIT and COMPLETE events as well as later on by stopping the app in debug mode, I do not see a MovieClip. Instead, the loader.content is of type doc_fla.MainTimeline__Preloader__ which contains two children, an empty Shape and another Loader. That loader, when checking INIT and COMPLETE events results in the exact same situation and it appears to be a never ending line of Loaders whose contents are "Preloaders".

Could anyone shed some light as to what is causing this or how I might fix it? I've poured a good 2 hours into solving this and I am no closer to a solution than when I started.

  • ActionScript Mobile project
  • Compiling using AIR 3.6
  • Testing in emulator as well as on iPad and on Nexus 7

1 に答える 1


SWF を再コンパイルし、TLF ライブラリを埋め込みました (ActionScript 設定で、既に埋め込まれている TLF swc を設定するだけです)。これで問題が解決したようです。私は以前にそれを試みて成功しなかったことを誓いますが、今回はうまくいきました.

于 2013-03-29T19:32:50.123 に答える