Blogrefs を介して Blogs テーブルを Blogcats テーブルに参照しようとしています。特定のカテゴリ ID でブログを取得しようとすると、次のエラーが返されます。
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ActiveRecord\DatabaseException' with message '42S22, 1054, Unknown column '' in 'where clause'' in D:\Project Files\cms\application\libraries\php-activerecord\lib\Connection.php on line 312
( ! ) ActiveRecord\DatabaseException: 42S22, 1054, Unknown column '' in 'where clause' in D:\Project Files\cms\application\libraries\php-activerecord\lib\Connection.php on line 312
$joins = 'LEFT JOIN blogrefs ON( = blogrefs.blog_id) LEFT JOIN blogcats ON(blogrefs.blogcat_id =';
$conditions = array("( = ? OR blogcats.parent_id = ?) AND blogs.status $st= ? OR (blogs.title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR blogs.content LIKE'%$keyword%')",$category,$category,$status);
$result = Blog::find('all',array(
'joins' => $joins,
'conditions' => $conditions,
'group' => ''