jaxb unmarshals

    <xs:complexType name="Test" mixed="true">
         <xs:any namespace="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" minOccurs="0"/>

as protected List<Object> content;

My jxb bindings file is :

  <jxb:bindings node="//xs:complexType[@name='Test']">

                <jxb:baseType name="java.lang.String"></jxb:baseType>

and this makes the java equivalent as

protected List<String> content;

Is there a way I can get it to be protected String content ?

In the job configuration page, go to the Editable Email Notification section. At the bottom of this section you can add triggers via a dropdown box you get after you've clicked on the Advanced... button. When I first configured the email notifications, there was no trigger defined, and no email was sent out.

If you always want an email sent out, use the Before build trigger. Then add a checkbox to determine the recipients of the email for this trigger. If you want all email addresses in $DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS, then click the checkbox at Send To Recipient List.


1 に答える 1


You can extend the generated class as described in this stackoverflow question: How can I extend Java code generated by JAXB, CXF or Hibernate tools? That should give you acces to the protected field

于 2013-03-29T22:23:56.640 に答える