Java プログラミングは初めてで、コードを修正する方法がわかりません。
の each ステートメントの前にa を追加すると、無限ループが発生します。do
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class DoubleOSeven {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Let's Play a game of 007 ");
System.out.println("You can SHOOT, BLOCK, AND RELOAD");
System.out.println("Both you and I start with one bullet");
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Let's Start, Enter (shoot, reload , or block) ");
String INput = input.nextLine();
//User and Computer ammo
int Userammo = 1;
int ammo = 1;
//Creates a random number between 1 and 3
Random rand = new Random();
int output = rand.nextInt(3) + 1;
//User chooses shoot
Userammo --;
System.out.println("You took a shot, Your ammo count is at: " + Userammo);
//User chooses reload
}else if (INput.equals("reload")){
Userammo ++;
System.out.println("You reloaded, Your ammo count is at: " + Userammo);
//User chooses block
}else if(INput.equals("block")){
System.out.println("You blocked, Your ammo count is at: " + Userammo);
//If random is 1 shoot
}if(output == 1){
ammo ++;
System.out.println("I took a shot at you, My ammo count is at: " + ammo);
//If random is 2 block
}else if(output == 2){
System.out.println("I blocked, My ammo count is at: " + ammo);
//If random is 3 reload
}else if(output == 3){
ammo ++;
System.out.println("I reloaded, My ammo count is at: " + ammo);
//If both User and Computer shoot
}if(output == 1 && INput == "shoot"){
System.out.println("It's a tie you we both die");
}while((output == 3 && INput == "shoot") && (output == 1 && INput == "reload") && (output == 1 && INput == "shoot"));