このコードのすべてが機能していますが、ブラウザーは新しいコンテンツをインポートした後に jquery 関数を適用できません
html コード:
<div class="id2" > </div>
<div style="clear: both"></div> <br/>
<div class="read">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="table" width="100%">
/ * 削除して隠す ** /
$(document).on("click", "#backup", function(){ // when click 'the link' this will import new content and update databace and i use .on() function for it
var s = {
"id": "backup_tables"
$.ajax({ // here will do some thing in databacse
url : "function.php",
type : "POST",
data :s,
success : function (data){
$(".id2").stop().stop().html(data).fadeIn(1000).delay(3000).fadeOut(500); // here the massges for user will set in the class "id2"
var s = {
"id": "backup_readlast"
$.ajax({ // hrer will add new content
url : "function.php",
type : "POST",
data :s,
success : function (data){
$(".read table tr:last").after(data); // here will set the new content in the end of table and it's working ,
$("#table tr:last").hide().fadeIn(800); // but The problem that the import content is not applies jquery code
beforeSend : function (){
$(".id2").html("<img scr =\"../images/loading.gif\" alt=\"\" />");
return false;
/*** delet and hide ****/
$(".backupdelete").click(function(){ // here this function must be work after import new content ,, but desn't work
var name = $(this).attr("title");
var s = {
"id": "backupdelete",
"id2" : name
url : "function.php",
type : "POST",
data :s,
success : function (data){
$(".id2").stop().stop().html(data).fadeIn(500).delay(2000).fadeOut(500); // here the massges for user will set in the class "id2"
beforeSend : function (){
$(".id2").html("<img scr =\"../images/loading.gif\" alt=\"\" />");
return false;