Python 3.3 を使用しています。私はこれを試しました:
# beginning and ending quotes are to compensate for Microsoft kludge
emuleappfile = '"'+os.environ['ProgramFiles']+'\\eMule\\emule.exe'+'"'
# vvv beginning and ending quotes are to compensate for Microsoft kludge
vuzeappfile = '"'+os.environ['ProgramFiles']+'\\Vuze\\azureus.exe'+'"'
os.system(vuzeappfile )
# beginning and ending quotes are to compensate for Microsoft kludge
emuleappfile = '"'+os.environ['ProgramFiles']+'\\eMule\\emule.exe'+'"'
itran = os.system(emuleappfile)
# vvv beginning and ending quotes are to compensate for Microsoft kludge
vuzeappfile = '"'+os.environ['ProgramFiles']+'\\Vuze\\azureus.exe'+'"'
itran = os.system(vuzeappfile)
emule が開きますが、プログラムは emule が閉じられるまで vze を開きません。ぐら