The code below compiles and runs well in the init() section of the class, yet when I try to create a separate method for it, a CCSpriteFrame ended up null, I'd like to learn what conceptual assumption I gotten myself into this time =s
void SceneView::runZoo(Animal& animal, std::string attack) {
// Animation using Sprite BatchNode
std::string spriteName;
CCSpriteFrameCache* cache = CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache();
CCSize iSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
spriteName = "killerRabbit.plist";
spriteName = "killerRabbit1.png";
sprite = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(spriteName.c_str());
sprite->setPosition( ccp(iSize.width/2 - 160, iSize.height/2 - 40) );
spriteName = "killerRabbit.png";
CCSpriteBatchNode* spritebatch = CCSpriteBatchNode::create(spriteName.c_str());
CCArray* animFrames = CCArray::createWithCapacity(15);
spriteName = "killerRabbit";
char str[100] = {0};
for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
sprintf(str, (spriteName + "%d.png").c_str(), i);
CCSpriteFrame* frame = cache->spriteFrameByName(str);
//Null here
//Null here
CCAnimation* animation = CCAnimation::createWithSpriteFrames(animFrames, 0.15f);
sprite->runAction( CCRepeatForever::create(CCAnimate::create(animation)) );
The actual error:
/** Appends an object. Behavior undefined if array doesn't have enough capacity. */
void ccArrayAppendObject(ccArray *arr, CCObject* object)
CCAssert(object != NULL, "Invalid parameter!");
arr->arr[arr->num] = object;
That means that the CCSpriteFrameCache might be nulled for some reason, any ideas?