
指示された次のページで、mysql から特定の製品 (クエリ文字列パラメーター) の詳細を取得します。




// Write a series of five PHP statements to retrieve the data for all product items in the database
// Write a statement to prepare the SQL SELECT statement
$sql = "SELECT skuCode, brand, model FROM productItem;";
// Write a statement to open a connection to MySQL server
$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");
// Write a statement to select the required database
mysql_select_db("is1112t4q3", $link);
// Write a statement to send the SQL statement to the MySQL server for execution and retrieve the resultset
$resultset = mysql_query($sql);
// Write a statement to close the connection

// Write a suitable expression for the while loop to iterate through each data row in the resultset.
// Each data row represents one product item that you need to display
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultset))
    // Write a echo command to display the summary information for each product item. The required attributes are 
    // indicated in the HTML table header row.
    // The image that is displayed should be the first image of each product item, e.g., MP300001_1.jpg.
    // The Action column should contain a hyperlink to viewProductItem.php where user can view the complete product information
    // of the selected product item.
    // You need to use a query string parameter to pass the SKU Code of the required product item to viewProductItem.php
        "</td><td>"."<img src=images/".$row["skuCode"]."_1.jpg>".
        "</td><td><a href=viewProductItem.php?var=skuCode>View</a>".



次のページ、このページは、リンクをクリックしたときに前のページから渡された skuCode を取得する必要があります<a href=viewProductItem.php?var=skuCode>View</a>


// Complete the if expression using the isset function to determine whether the query string parameter skuCode has been provided
    // Write a series of five PHP statements to retrieve the data for the selected product item from the database
    // Write a statement to prepare the SQL SELECT statement. The SQL statement should have a WHERE condition
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM productItem WHERE skuCode = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["skuCode"])."';";
    // Write a statement to open a connection to MySQL server
    $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");
    // Write a statement to select the required database
    mysql_select_db("is1112t4q3", $link);
    // Write a statement to send the SQL statement to the MySQL server for execution and retrieve the resultset
    $resultset = mysql_query($sql);
    // Write a statement to close the connection

    // The statement below will retrieve the first data row in the resultset. 
    // Note that we are only expecting at most one data row since we are filtering by the primary key skuCode
    // mysql_fetch_array will an array of values corresponding to the fetched data row.
    // If there is no matching data row, mysql_fetch_array will return FALSE
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($resultset);

        // Write a series of echo commands to print out the complete information of the selected product item using a HTML table
            "</td><td>"."<img src=images/".$row["skuCode"]."_1.jpg>".
            "</td><td><a href=viewProductItem.php>View</a>".

    echo("<h3 style=\"color: red;\">Product item ".$_GET["skuCode"]." does not exist</h3>");
    echo("<h3 style=\"color: red;\">No product item has been selected</h3>");

3 に答える 3


最初のページで : のように URL を書き換える必要があります。その「var」ではありません

"<a href=viewProductItem.php?skuCode=".$row["skuCode"].">View</a>"

最初のページからこのリンクをクリックすると。この値は、2 ページ目で次のように取得できます。

 $skuCode =mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['skuCode']);

 $sql = "SELECT * FROM productItem WHERE skuCode = '".$skuCode."';";



// Write a series of five PHP statements to retrieve the data for all product items in the database
// Write a statement to prepare the SQL SELECT statement
$sql = "SELECT skuCode, brand, model FROM productItem;";
// Write a statement to open a connection to MySQL server
$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");
// Write a statement to select the required database
mysql_select_db("is1112t4q3", $link);
// Write a statement to send the SQL statement to the MySQL server for execution and retrieve the resultset
$resultset = mysql_query($sql);
// Write a statement to close the connection

// Write a suitable expression for the while loop to iterate through each data row in the resultset.
// Each data row represents one product item that you need to display
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultset))
    // Write a echo command to display the summary information for each product item. The required attributes are 
    // indicated in the HTML table header row.
    // The image that is displayed should be the first image of each product item, e.g., MP300001_1.jpg.
    // The Action column should contain a hyperlink to viewProductItem.php where user can view the complete product information
    // of the selected product item.
    // You need to use a query string parameter to pass the SKU Code of the required product item to viewProductItem.php
        "</td><td>"."<img src=images/".$row["skuCode"]."_1.jpg>".
        "</td><td><a href=viewProductItem.php?skuCode=".$row['skuCode'].">View</a>".



2 ページ目:


// Complete the if expression using the isset function to determine whether the query string parameter skuCode has been provided
    // Write a series of five PHP statements to retrieve the data for the selected product item from the database
    // Write a statement to prepare the SQL SELECT statement. The SQL statement should have a WHERE condition
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM productItem WHERE skuCode = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["skuCode"])."';";
    // Write a statement to open a connection to MySQL server
    $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");
    // Write a statement to select the required database
    mysql_select_db("is1112t4q3", $link);
    // Write a statement to send the SQL statement to the MySQL server for execution and retrieve the resultset
    $resultset = mysql_query($sql);
    // Write a statement to close the connection

    // The statement below will retrieve the first data row in the resultset. 
    // Note that we are only expecting at most one data row since we are filtering by the primary key skuCode
    // mysql_fetch_array will an array of values corresponding to the fetched data row.
    // If there is no matching data row, mysql_fetch_array will return FALSE
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($resultset);

        // Write a series of echo commands to print out the complete information of the selected product item using a HTML table
            "</td><td>"."<img src=images/".$row["skuCode"]."_1.jpg>".
            "</td><td><a href=viewProductItem.php>View</a>".

         echo("<h3 style=\"color: red;\">Product item ".$_GET["skuCode"]." does not                        exist</h3>");

    echo("<h3 style=\"color: red;\">No product item has been selected</h3>");
于 2013-04-03T11:18:59.407 に答える

PHP を使用して、そのような引数で URL を作成します。


.. およびそのような後続の引数

于 2013-04-03T11:14:06.673 に答える