I am looking for a realtime hosted push/socket service (paid is fine) which will handle many connections/channels from many clients (JS) and server api which can subscribe/publish to those channels from a PHP script.
Here is an example:
The client UI has a fleet of 100 trucks rendered, when a truck is modified its data is pushed to channel (eg. /updates/truck/34) to server (PHP subscriber), DB is updated and receipt/data is sent back to the single truck channel.
We have a prototype working in Firebase.io but we don't need the firebase database, we just need the realtime transmission. One of the great features of firebase.io is that its light and we can subscribe to many small channels at once. This helps reduce payload as only that object data that has changed is transmitted.
Correct me if I am wrong but I think pusher and pubnub will allow me to create 100 truck pub/subs (in this example) for each client that opens the site?
Can anyone offer a recommendation?