I have a textbox and a button. What i am attempting to do is filter a gridview with the data that has been searched for. The two fields im searching for are customerID and CustomerName.
My code:
Dim GetAllCusts As New BusinessLayer.Customer
Dim dt As DataTable = GetAllCusts.GetCustomers
Dim dv As New DataView(dt)
dv.RowFilter = String.Format("CustomerID='{0}' Or CustomerName='{0}'", SearchTextbox.Text)
gridview1.DataSource = dv
When searching for a customer id everything works. When searching for a customer name i get "Cannot perform '=' operation on System.Int32 and System.String.".
I tried to CONVERT(CustomerName, System.String) but that didnt resolve however i think this was leading me away from the initial problem as i started to guess around.
I would like to have one textbox to search for a customer id and customer name. What is wrong with the RowFilter and how could it be resolved?