

ビジネス ロール ロジックに基づいてクエリを実行しています。そのため、選択して更新する場合もあれば、選択して更新してから挿入する場合もあります。コードの処理方法に関する全体的な構造は次のとおりです

Open PDO connection

1 getDataSet 1 (select)
2 ProcessQuery (update)
3 getDataSet 1 (select)
4 ProcessQuery (Insert)

Close PDO connection by setting the PDO object to null.

奇妙な理由で、挿入がまったく機能しません! 選択は機能し、更新は問題なく機能しますが、挿入部分に関しては機能しません。エラーもまったく発生しません。実際、同じクエリをコピーして phpMyAdmin で実行したところ、クエリが機能しました。

挿入しようとしているテーブルは非常に大きく、多くのインデックスを持つ 400 万を超えるレコードがあることに注意してください。

何が問題なのですか?他に何を確認できますか?挿入がスクリプトから機能せず、phpmyadmin から機能するのはなぜですか??


これは、サーバーへの接続に使用する現在の PDO クラスです http://pastebin.com/XQ2RrhA1


class connection {

        private $connString;
        private $userName;
        private $passCode;
        private $server;
        private $pdo;
        private $errorMessage;
        protected $lastQueryTime;
        protected $lastQuery;

        private $pdo_opt = array (
                                                        PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE            => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION,
                                                        PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC,
                                                        PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8"

        function __construct($dbName, $serverName = 'localhost'){

                //sets credentials
                $this->setConnectionCredentials($dbName, $serverName);

                //start the connect


        function startConnection(){

                        $this->pdo = new PDO($this->connString, $this->userName, $this->passCode, $this->pdo_opt);

                        if( ! $this->pdo){

                                $this->errorMessage  = 'Failed to connect to database. Please try to refresh this page in 1 minute. ';
                                $this->errorMessage .= 'However, if you continue to see this message please contact your system administrator.';
                                echo $this->getError();

        //this will close the PDO connection
        public function endConnection(){

                $this->pdo = null;

        //return a dataset with the results
        public function getDataSet($query, $data = NULL)
                $start = microtime(true);
                $cmd = $this->pdo->prepare( $query );

                $ret = $cmd->fetchAll();
                $this->lastQueryTime = microtime(true) - $start;
                $this->lastQuery = $query;

                return $ret;

        public function processQuery($query, $data = NULL)
                $start = microtime(true);
                $cmd = $this->pdo->prepare( $query );
                $ret = $cmd->execute($data);
                $this->lastQueryTime = microtime(true) - $start;
                $this->lastQuery = $query;

                return $ret;

        //return last insert id
        public function lastInsertId($name = NULL) {
                if(!$this->pdo) {
                        return false;

                return $this->pdo->lastInsertId($name);

        public function getOneResult($query, $data = NULL){
                $cmd = $this->pdo->prepare( $query );

                return $cmd->fetchColumn();

        public function getError(){
                if($this->errorMessage != '')
                        return $this->errorMessage;
                        return true;  //no errors found


        //this where you need to set new server credentials with a new case statment
        function setConnectionCredentials($dbName, $serv){


                        case default:
                                $this->connString       = 'mysql:host='.$serv.';dbname='.$dbName.';charset=utf8';
                                $this->userName         = 'USER';
                                $this->passCode         = 'PASSWORD';



public function lastQueryTime() {
    if(!$this->lastQueryTime) {
        throw new Exception('no query has been executed yet');
    return $this->lastQueryTime;

public function lastQuery() {
    if(!$this->lastQuery) {
        throw new Exception('no query has been executed yet');
    return $this->lastQuery;





$db = new connection(DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_HOST);

$sendUpdate = 0;
$id = 0;
$resultCode = 0;
$callCode = 0;
$total_attempts = 0;
$account_id = 0;
$timer = 0;

$notes = '';
$triggerOn = '';
$subject = '';

        $sendUpdate = 1;

        $id = bigint($_POST['current_call_id']);

        $resultCode = bigint($_POST['result_code_menu']);

        $callCode = bigint($_POST['selected_call_code']);

        $total_attempts = bigint($_POST['total_attempts']);

        $account_id = bigint($_POST['account_id']);

        $notes = trim($_POST['notes']);

        $triggerOn = convertTimeToUTCzone( $_POST['triggerOn'], USER_TIME_ZONE );

        $subject = $resultCode;

        $timer = convertTimeToSeconds($_POST['timer']);

//CONVERT $time to seconds

        $error_list = '';
        $pass_message = '';

        if($id  < 1){
                $error_list .= '<li>You have selected an invalid link</li>';

        if($callCode == 0){
                $error_list .= '<li>You must select a call code.</li>';

        if($resultCode == 0){
                $error_list .= '<li>You must select a result code.</li>';

        if($timer == 0){
                $error_list .= '<li>You can not reset timer before submitting the form.</li>';

        //if pass all check
        if($error_list == ''){

                $pass_all = 0;

                //Find out what is the next action
                        $action = $db->getDataSet('SELECT result FROM result_codes WHERE result_code_id = '.$resultCode.' LIMIT 1;' );

                                if( count($action) == 1){
                                        $next_action = $action[0]['result'];
                                } else {
                                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #95: Unknown Error: result code was not found.</li>';
                                        $pass_all = 0;

                //Close existing open phone call
                if( $next_action == 'FINISH' || $next_action == 'CREATE NEW CALL'  || $next_action == 'TRY AGAIN' ){

                        $statment = $db->processQuery('UPDATE phone_calls SET result_code_id= ?, call_notes= ?, call_duration = ?,
                                                                                  first_attempt_on = if(first_attempt_on IS NULL,  NOW(), first_attempt_on),
                                                                                  first_attempt_by = if(first_attempt_by = "", '.USER_ID.',first_attempt_by),
                                                                                  last_attempt_on = NOW(), total_attempts = total_attempts+1, status=2 WHERE phone_call_id = '.$id.' LIMIT 1;'
                                                                                  , array($resultCode, $notes, $timer) );

                                        $pass_all = 1;
                                } else {
                                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #96: System could not update Phone Call</li>';
                                        $pass_all = 0;
                        $statment = null;

                //Update the existing phone call & Keep it open to be called again
                if( $next_action == 'TRY AGAIN'){

                        $new_call = $db->getDataSet('SELECT call_code_title AS subject FROM call_codes WHERE call_code_id= '.$callCode.' LIMIT 1;' );

                                if( count($new_call) == 1 ){
                                        $subject = $new_call[0]['subject'];
                                } else {
                                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #79: Unknown Error: call code was not found.</li>';
                        $new_call = null;
                        $this_attempt = $total_attempts+1;

                        if($this_attempt >= 1){
                                $subject = $subject . ' attempt: ' . $this_attempt;

                                        $statment = $db->processQuery('INSERT INTO phone_calls (account_id, call_code_id, trigger_on, created_on, call_subject, status, last_call_id
                                                                                , call_direction, owner_id, workflow_generated, call_notes)
                                                                                                                 VALUES('.$account_id.', '.$callCode.', "'.$triggerOn.'", NOW(), "'.$subject.'", 1, '.$id.', "OUTBOUND", '.USER_ID.', 1, "");');                                                                                                                                         

                                if($statment ){
                                        $pass_all = 1;
                                } else {
                                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #80: System could not generate a new attempt</li>';
                                        $pass_all = 0;
                $statment = null;


                //Update the existing phone call THEN assign the activity to the master user define in APP_configuration.php
                if( $next_action == 'MGR REVIEW'){

                        $statment = $db->processQuery('UPDATE phone_calls SET result_code_id= ?, call_notes= ?, call_duration = ?,
                                                                                  first_attempt_on = if(first_attempt_on IS NULL,  NOW(), first_attempt_on),
                                                                                  first_attempt_by = if(first_attempt_by = "", '.USER_ID.',first_attempt_by),
                                                                                  last_attempt_on = NOW(), total_attempts = total_attempts+1,
                                                                                  trigger_on = ?, owner_id = '.CMS_ADMIN_ID.' WHERE phone_call_id = '.$id.' LIMIT 1;'
                                                                                  , array($resultCode, $notes, $timer, $triggerOn) );

                                        $pass_all = 1;
                                } else {
                                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #98: System could not update Phone Call</li>';
                                        $pass_all = 0;
                $statment = null;

                if($sendUpdate == 1 && $error_list == '' && $pass_all == 1 ){

                $statment = $db->processQuery('DELETE FROM phone_calls WHERE last_call_id = '.$id.' LIMIT 1;');

                                        $pass_all = 1;
                                } else {
                                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #81: System could not run reverse system flow.</li>';
                                        $pass_all = 0;
                $statment = null;

                //Generate new phone call
                if( $next_action == 'CREATE NEW CALL'){

                        //Find the nect call code to generate

                                $new_call = $db->getDataSet('SELECT ie.action_id, CONCAT(cc.call_code_name, " - ", cc.call_code_title) AS subject FROM inventory_engine AS ie
                                                                                         INNER JOIN call_codes AS cc ON ie.action_id = cc.call_code_id
                                                                                         WHERE ie.call_code_id= ?  AND ie.result_code_id = ? LIMIT 1;', array($callCode,$resultCode ) );

                                if( count($new_call) == 1 ){
                                        $new_callcode_id = $new_call[0]['action_id'];
                                        $subject = $new_call[0]['subject'];
                                } else {
                                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #94: Unknown Error: call code was not found.</li>';

                                $new_call = null;

                $statment = $db->processQuery('INSERT INTO phone_calls (account_id, call_code_id, trigger_on, created_on, call_subject, status, last_call_id
                                                                                , call_direction, owner_id, workflow_generated, call_notes)
                                                                                                                 VALUES(?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, 1, ?, "OUTBOUND", ?, 1, "");',
                                                                                                                 array($account_id, $new_callcode_id, $triggerOn, $subject, $id, USER_ID ) );

                                        $pass_all = 1;
                                } else {
                                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #99: System could not update Phone Call</li>';
                                        $pass_all = 0;
                $statment = null;

                if($pass_all == 1 && $error_list == ''){
                        $pass_message = '<li>You have successfully complete the phone call.</li>';
                } else {
                        $error_list .= '<li>Error #100: Unknown Error: Please contact your system admin</li>';


//close database connection

        $return = array();
        if($pass_message != ''){

                $return['msg']   = '<ul>'.$pass_message.'</ul>';
                $return['error'] = false;

        } else {
                $return['msg'] = '<ul>'. $error_list.'</ul>';
                $return['error'] = true;

echo json_encode($return);




ご協力いただきありがとうございます :)


INSERT INTO phone_calls (account_id, call_code_id, trigger_on, created_on, call_subject, status, last_call_id , call_direction, owner_id, workflow_generated, call_notes) VALUES(11601, 1, "2013-04-11 16:36:00", NOW(), "Initial Development attempt: 1", 1, 17132, "OUTBOUND", 1, 1, "");

1 に答える 1


何が問題なのですか?他に何を確認できますか?挿入がスクリプトから機能せず、phpmyadmin から機能するのはなぜですか?

しかし、残念なことに、プログラマーの時間の 50% までが、まさにあなたが上で尋ねた質問に答えるために費やされています。そして、それは簡単な仕事ではありません。かなりの労力を費やす必要があります。残念なことに、この種の質問は、Q&A サイトではほとんど答えられません。あなた自身は何と答えましたか?だから、あなた自身の手はあなたの最後の手段です。したがって、袖をまくり上げてデバッグを開始します。

  1. PHP が発生するすべてのエラーを確認できることを確認してください。
  2. PDO がエラー時に例外をスローすることを確認してください。
  3. でこれらのエラーを吐き出していないことを確認し@try..catchesエラー報告をゼロにしてください。
  4. ウォッチドッグを設定して、誤ったクエリとそのデータをログに記録し、mysql から診断を取得します (少なくとも SHOW PROCESSLIST)。
于 2013-04-04T16:05:29.797 に答える