ディレクトリから XML ファイルをロードするにはどうすればよいですか? これを行う方法はありますか?
from elementtree import ElementTree as et
# Load the xml content from a string
content = et.fromstring("C:\DATA\US_Patent_Data\2012\ipgb20120103_wk01\ipgb20120103.xml")
# Get the person or use the .findall method to get all
# people if there's more than person
applicant = content.find("applicant")
last_name = applicant.find("addressbook/last-name")
first_name = applicant.find("addressbook/first-name")
# Get the persons address
address = addressbook.find("address")
street = address.find("street")
city= address.find("city")
state = address.find("state")
postcode = address.find("postcode")
country = address.find("country")
# Print output
print "sequence: " + applicant.attrib.get('sequence')
print "first name: " + first_name.text
print "last name: " + last_name.text
print "street: " + street.text
print "city: " + city.text
print "state: " + state.text
print "postcode: " + postcode.text
print "country: " + country.text
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\elementtree\ElementTree.py", line 1292, in feed
self._parser.Parse(data, 0)
ExpatError: 整形式ではありません (無効なトークン): 行 1、列 2