gdata api からデータを解析するときに非常に厄介なエラーが発生します。ここでエラーが発生する理由がよくわかりません。xml は gdata API から直接取得されます。
Dim Document As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(Response.Html)
エラー: 「=」は予期しないトークンです。予期されるトークンは「;」です。行 1、位置 1142。
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<generator version="2.1" uri="">YouTube data API</generator>
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<title>No Scrubs, What You ...</title>
<content>No Scrubs, What You Know, Say My Name, Sweet Dreams... etc. I wrote some crap for Michael & Janet Jackson, Rihanna, Chris Brown, etc. I've worked with a lot of people who were once famous, or who may still be famous. I'm very proud if someone started off with me and went on to achieve great things. Because it's always good because then I can count on them, possibly in the future. I wrote most of the first Lady Gaga album, beats and lyrics. I was very proud of those songs.</content>
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