import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.Timer;
public class BouncingLinesWithSound implements ActionListener
private Random rand = new Random();
private Timer myTimer;
private Picture myPic;
//TODO: Changed form Graphics
private Graphics2D canvas;
//TODO: Requires to be in same project src folder as this file
private SoundPlayer boinkSound;
private static final int DRAW_WIDTH = 600;
private static final int DRAW_HEIGHT = 600;
private int x1, y1, x2, y2;
private int x3, y3, x4, y4;
private int speedX1, speedX2, speedY1, speedY2;
private int speedX3, speedX4, speedY3, speedY4;
// BouncingLine Constructor. This constructor:
// 1) Creates an empty Picture Frame
// 2) Sets the initial location, and speed of each end point of a line.
// 3) Start the timer.
public BouncingLinesWithSound()
myPic = new Picture(DRAW_WIDTH, DRAW_HEIGHT);
//If you want a Graphics2D rather than a graphics, just cast
// the value returned by myPic.getOffScreenGraphics()
canvas = (Graphics2D)myPic.getOffScreenGraphics();
canvas.fillRect(0, 0, DRAW_WIDTH, DRAW_HEIGHT);
myPic.setTitle("Bouncing Line");
x1 = rand.nextInt(DRAW_WIDTH);
y1 = rand.nextInt(DRAW_HEIGHT);
x2 = rand.nextInt(DRAW_WIDTH);
y2 = rand.nextInt(DRAW_HEIGHT);
x3 = rand.nextInt(DRAW_WIDTH);
y3 = rand.nextInt(DRAW_HEIGHT);
x4 = rand.nextInt(DRAW_WIDTH);
y4 = rand.nextInt(DRAW_HEIGHT);
speedX1 = rand.nextInt(25)-12;
speedY1 = rand.nextInt(25)-12;
speedX2 = rand.nextInt(25)-12;
speedY2 = rand.nextInt(25)-12;
speedX3 = rand.nextInt(25)-12;
speedY3 = rand.nextInt(25)-12;
speedX4 = rand.nextInt(25)-12;
speedY4 = rand.nextInt(25)-12;
boinkSound = new SoundPlayer();
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("BouncingLinesWithSound():: "+e.getMessage());
myTimer = new Timer(30, this); // miliseconds
// Called each time the timer fires.
// 1) Erase the current line
// 2) Move the two end points of the line.
// 3) Check to see if either end point moved outside the frame. If so,
// give that end point a random speed in the direction away from
// the edge it moved off.
// 4) Draw the line in its new location.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0)
//Erase Line in its current location
canvas.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
canvas.drawLine(x3, y3, x4, y4);
x1 += speedX1;
y1 += speedY1;
x2 += speedX2;
y2 += speedY2;
x3 += speedX3;
y3 += speedY3;
x4 += speedX4;
y4 += speedY4;
boolean hit = false;
if (x1 < 0)
{ speedX1 = rand.nextInt(12)+1;
hit = true;
else if (x1 > DRAW_WIDTH)
speedX1 = -(rand.nextInt(12)+1);
hit = true;
if (y1 < 0)
{ speedY1 = rand.nextInt(12)+1;
hit = true;
else if (y1 > DRAW_HEIGHT)
{ speedY1 = -(rand.nextInt(12)+1);
hit = true;
if (x2 < 0)
{ speedX2 = rand.nextInt(12)+1;
hit = true;
else if (x2 > DRAW_WIDTH)
speedX2 = -(rand.nextInt(12)+1);
hit = true;
if (y2 < 0)
{ speedY2 = rand.nextInt(12)+1;
hit = true;
else if (y2 > DRAW_HEIGHT)
{ speedY2 = -(rand.nextInt(12)+1);
hit = true;
if (x3 < 0)
{ speedX3 = rand.nextInt(12)+1;
hit = true;
else if (x3 > DRAW_WIDTH)
speedX3 = -(rand.nextInt(12)+1);
hit = true;
if (y3 < 0)
{ speedY3 = rand.nextInt(12)+1;
hit = true;
else if (y3 > DRAW_WIDTH)
speedY3 = -(rand.nextInt(12)+1);
hit = true;
if (x4 < 0)
{ speedX4 = rand.nextInt(12)+1;
hit = true;
else if (x4 > DRAW_WIDTH)
speedX4 = -(rand.nextInt(12)+1);
hit = true;
if (y4 < 0)
{ speedY4 = rand.nextInt(12)+1;
hit = true;
else if (y4 > DRAW_WIDTH)
speedY4 = -(rand.nextInt(12)+1);
hit = true;
if (hit);
//Draw Line in new location
canvas.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
canvas.drawLine(x3, y3, x4, y4);
// Create and run BouncingLinesWithSound
public static void main(String[] args)
new BouncingLinesWithSound();