私は Java に比較的慣れていませんが、このプログラムを作成することに決めました。メソッドの操作方法を学習するのに十分簡単なタスクに思えたからです。とにかく、これは現在の私のプログラムです。
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class smallAverage{
public smallAverage getsmall() {
String sd1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the first number?");
double sdx = Double.parseDouble (sd1);
String sd2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the second number?");
double sdy = Double.parseDouble (sd2);
String sd3 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the third number?");
double sdz = Double.parseDouble (sd3);
return double sdx;
return double sdy;
return double sdz;
public smallAverage getavg() {
String ad1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the first number");
double adx = Double.parseDouble (ad1);
String ad2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the second number");
double ady = Double.parseDouble (ad2);
String ad3 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the third number");
double adz = Double.parseDouble (ad3);
return double adx;
return double ady;
return double adz;
public smallAverage work() {
double small = Math.min(sdx, sdy, sdz);
double avg = (adx + ady + adz) / 3;
System.out.println("The smallest of "+ sdx+ sdy+ sdz+ " is " + small + ", and the average of"+ adx+ ady+ adz+ " is "+ avg+ ".");
smallAverage.java:12: error: '.class' expected
return double sdx;
smallAverage.java:13: error: '.class' expected
return double sdy;
smallAverage.java:14: error: '.class' expected
return double sdz;
smallAverage.java:27: error: '.class' expected
return double adx;
smallAverage.java:28: error: '.class' expected
return double ady;
smallAverage.java:29: error: '.class' expected
return double adz;
6 errors