連結がまったく機能していないため、コマンドパラメーターを使用して SQL ステートメントを介して値を渡す方法を理解しようとしていますが、奇妙な問題が発生しており、それに関する情報が見つかりません。
SQL ステートメントが呼び出されるたびに、@Address1 などのパラメーターの名前が、パラメーターの値の代わりにデータベースに配置されます。
SQL ステートメント、コマンド、および接続コードは次のとおりです。
Private Function qDBase()
con.ConnectionString = " Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=.\pos408_w4_Team_B_Database.accdb;Persist Security Info=False" ' database should be located with the .exe file so that it can be detected and connected to
Try 'Make sure we also wrap connection statement in try in case something fails there
Try ' Wrap each query in a try/catch so that if it fails it will not fail silently due to code in Button1_Click
' Always do Customer_Index first, the primary key here is a secondary key in Account_Index, via one-to-many relationship, and unless the corresponding value can be loaced in Customer_Index it will fail to insert the data
qStr = "Insert Into `Customer_Index` Values('@Soc2','@FName','@MInitial','@LName','@DriverL','@Address1','@Address2','@City','@State','@Zip2','@Phone2','@Email');"
' Create and append parameters list
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Soc2", Soc2)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("FName", FName)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("MInitial", MInitial)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("LName", LName)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("DriverL", DriverL)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Address1", Address1)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Address2", Address2)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("City", City)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("State", State)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Zip2", Zip2)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Phone2", Phone2)
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Email", Email)
com.CommandText = qStr ' Set command value to qStr
com.Connection = con ' Set command connection
com.ExecuteNonQuery() ' Execute the command
qSuccesses += 1
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex) ' Show thrown exception to user
End Try
'qStr = "Insert Into `Account_Index` Values('" & Account & "','" & Soc & "','" & AccountType & "');"
'com.CommandText = qStr ' Set command value to qStr
'com.ExecuteNonQuery() ' Execute the command
' qSuccesses += 1
' Catch ex As Exception
' MsgBox(ex) ' Show thrown exception to user
' End Try
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex) ' Show thrown exception to user
Return False ' REturn prematurely because connection could not be made, no point going any further
End Try
If (qSuccesses = 1) Then ' If both try's work
qSuccesses = 0 ' reset to zero
Return True ' return true
Else ' If one or both try's fail
qSuccesses = 0 'reset to zero
Return False ' return false
End If
End Function
Soc2 = "123-45-6789"
FName = "Test"
MInitial = "D"
LName = "Test"
DriverL = "Test"
Address1 = "123 Test Rd"
Address2 = " "
City = "Denver"
State = "CO"
Zip2 = "12345-6789"
Phone2 = "(123)456-7890"
Email = "Test@Test.com"
そして、Access 2010 データベースの出力:
@Soc2 @FName @MInitial @LName @DriverL @Address1 @Address2 @City @State @Zip2 @Phone2 @Email
AddWithValue が正しく機能しなくなったのでしょうか。