人の過去の医療問題のデータを含むノックアウト可観測配列があります。最小範囲が生年で、最大範囲が当年である Jquery Range Slider を作成しました。ユーザーがスライダーをスライドすると、範囲内にある医学的問題のみが表示されます。
var viewModel = {
one : ko.observableArray([
HistoryIcon: "img/Surgeon.png",
HistoryItem: "Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy",
HistoryItemVenue: "Dr.Rao Khan KRL Hospital",
Date: "16th May 2013",
Year: "2013",
Tag: "None"
HistoryIcon: "img/haayeoye",
HistoryItem: "Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy",
HistoryItemVenue: "Dr.Rao Khan KRL Hospital",
Date: "16th May 2011",
Year: "2011",
Tag: "None"
HistoryIcon: "img/amedical_pot_pills.png",
HistoryItem: "Symbicort, 50mgs(PainRelief)",
HistoryItemVenue: "Prescribed by Dr.Jay Rajpoot Shifa Intl Hospital",
Date: "16th May 2012",
Year: "2012",
Tag: "None"},
HistoryIcon: "img/amedical_pot_pills.png",
HistoryItem: "Symbicort, 50mgs(PainRelief)",
HistoryItemVenue: "Prescribed by Dr.Jay Rajpoot Shifa Intl Hospital",
Date: "16th May 2015",
Year: "2015",
Tag: "None"}
これは、div 要素の innerHTML を取得するスクリプトです。
var temp=document.getElementById("s1").innerHTML;
var temp1=document.getElementById("s2").innerHTML;
スライダー スクリプト コード:
$(function() {
$( "#slider-range" ).slider({ // Slider Jq ui
range: true, //Range Slider
min: 1960, //Minimum Value
max: 2013, //Maximum Value
step: 1, //Steps
values: [ 1960, 2013 ], //Initial Value
change: function( event, ui ) { //When slides
// $( "#s1" ).html( ui.values[ 0 ] + " - " + ui.values[ 1 ]);// Values append to div, [0] being min , [1] being max
// $( "#s2" ).html( ui.values[ 0 ] + " - " + ui.values[ 1 ]);// Values append to div, [0] being min , [1] being max
$( "#s1" ).html( ui.values[ 1 ]);
$( "#s2" ).html( ui.values[ 0 ]);
<div id="s1">2012</div>
<div id="s2">2013</div>
<div id="slider-range"></div>
<div data-bind="foreach: one">
<!-- ko if: Year <= temp1 && Year >= temp -->
<div class="span4" data-bind="text: Date" ></div>
<div class="span4" data-bind="text: HistoryIcon" ></div>
<!-- /ko -->