1>------ Build started: Project: Project 2, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> Project 2.cpp
1>c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\account.h(6): error C2011: 'account' : 'class' type redefinition
1> c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\account.h(6) : see declaration of 'account'
1>c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\checking.h(9): error C2504: 'account' : base class undefined
1>c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\creditcard.h(9): error C2504: 'account' : base class undefined
1>c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\saving.h(9): error C2504: 'account' : base class undefined
1>c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\project 2.cpp(45): error C2039: 'makeDeposit' : is not a member of 'saving'
1> c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\saving.h(8) : see declaration of 'saving'
1>c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\project 2.cpp(59): error C2039: 'makeDeposit' : is not a member of 'checking'
1> c:\users\geena\desktop\zaks stuff\project 2\project 2\project 2\checking.h(8) : see declaration of 'checking'
1> Account.cpp
1> Generating Code...
1> Skipping... (no relevant changes detected)
1> Saving.cpp
1> CreditCard.cpp
1> Checking.cpp
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
これが私の Main() です:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "Account.h"
#include "Checking.h"
#include "CreditCard.h"
#include "Saving.h"
using namespace std;
int main ()
saving sa;
creditCard cca;
checking ca;
string n;
int option;
int exit = 1;
cout << endl;
cout << "Checking Balance:" << " " << " " << "Savings balance:" << " " << " " << "Credit Card balance:" << " " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " (1) Savings Deposit " << endl;
cout << " (2) Savings withdrawel " << endl;
cout << " (3) Checking Deposit " << endl;
cout << " (4) Write A Check " << endl;
cout << " (5) Credit Card Payment " << endl;
cout << " (6) Make A Charge " << endl;
cout << " (7) Display Savings " << endl;
cout << " (8) Display Checkings " << endl;
cout << " (9) Display Credit Card " << endl;
cout << " (0) Exit " << endl;
cin >> option;
switch ( option )
case 1 : {
double SamtD;
cout << " Please enter how much you would like to deposit into savings " << endl;
cin >> SamtD;
case 2 : {
double SamtW;
cout << " Please enter how much you would like to withdrawel "<< endl;
cin >> SamtW;
case 3 : {
double CamtD;
cout << " Please enter how much you would like to deposit into checkings " << endl;
cin >> CamtD;
case 4 : {
double CamtW;
int chkNum;
cout << " Please enter how much you wrote on the check " << endl;
cin >> CamtW;
cout << " Please enter the check number " << endl;
cin >> chkNum;
ca.writeCheck(chkNum, CamtW);
case 5 : {
double CCmkP;
cout << " Please enter the amount you would like to deposit " << endl;
cin >> CCmkP;
case 6 : {
double DoC;
string Nm;
cout << " Please enter the amount charged to your credit card " << endl;
cin >> DoC;
cout << " Please enter where the charge was made " << endl;
getline(cin, Nm);
case 7 : {
case 8 : {
case 9 : {
case 0 : exit = 0;
default : exit = 0;
cout << " ERROR ";
return 0;
ここにクラス Saving.h があります(小切手とクレジットカードに非常に似ているため、関連する問題であると思います:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "Account.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class saving: public account
public :
double doWithdraw(double amount);
string display();
saving(string itsName, long itsTaxID, double itsBalance);
これは、保存用の .cpp ファイルです。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "Saving.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
saving::saving(string itsName, long itsTaxID, double itsBalance): account(itsName, itsTaxID, itsBalance)
double saving:: doWithdraw(double amount)
return 0;
これが基本クラスの account.h です。保存チェックとクレジットカードはこのクラスから継承します:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class account {
public :
void setName(string name); void setTaxID(long taxID); void setBalance(double balance);
string getName(); long getTaxID(); double getBalance();
double makeDeposit( double amount );
account(string itsName, long itsTaxID, double itsBalance);
int display();
private :
string itsName;
long itsTaxID;
double itsBalance;
protected :
double last10withdraws[10];
double last10deposits[10];
int numdeposits;
int numwithdraws;
および account.cpp :
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Account.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
account::account():itsName(""), itsTaxID(0), itsBalance(0)
account::account(string itsName, long itsTaxID, double itsBalance): itsName(), itsTaxID(), itsBalance()
void account::setName(string name)
itsName = name;
string account::getName()
return itsName;
void account::setTaxID(long taxID)
itsTaxID = taxID;
long account::getTaxID()
return itsTaxID;
void account::setBalance(double balance)
balance = 100;
itsBalance = balance;
double account::getBalance()
return itsBalance;
double account::makeDeposit( double amount )
return amount;
int account::display()
return 0;
これらのエラーが発生し続ける理由は何ですか? それは私には意味がありません。