3番目のタブ「連絡先」に何も表示されません。「こんにちは」を追加しようとしていますが、追加されていません。divまたは何かがありませんか? 問題がどこにあるのかわかりません。今後はバックアップをとっていきます!
オンライン例: http://www.taffatech.com/Demo.html
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<li><a href="#tabs-2">Play</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-3">Contact</a></li>
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Hello and welcome we are currently in development, check back soon!
As of yet we are just testing and getting used to jQuery and jQuery UI!!
My name is Wayne Daly and I study Computer Science in CIT.
I'm interested in:
<li>Making games</li>
<li>Designing visual programs</li>
<h3>Coming soon!</h3>
Soon I hope to have made my first 'proper' game in Canvas and have it online.
- Currently learning the in's and out's of jQuery and Canvas.
- Designing websites for clients
- Doing exams in college
<div id="tabs-2">
<div id="accordion2">
<h3>Play Game 1</h3>
Game 1 is in development
<div align="center">
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="600" height="400" align="center" style="border:1px solid #ffffff;">
<h3>Play Game 2</h3>
Game 2 is in development
<h3>Play Game 3</h3>
Game 3 is in development
<div id="tabs-3">