これらの機能をどのように結びつければ、負けることのないハード AI になるかわかりません。なんらかの形またはファジョンで再帰を使用することになっており、これらの関数名とコントラクトは事前に作成されており、実際の定義に記入しました。後でグーグルで検索しても、関連するものは何も見つかりません。何かアイデアはありますか?
State S2 is a *successor* of state S1 if S2 can be the the
next state after S1 in a legal game of tic tac toe.
safe: state -> Bool
successor: state x state -> Bool
1. If S is over, then S is safe if 'x' does not have 3 in a row in S.
2. If it is o's move in S, then S is safe iff at least one successor of S is safe.
3. If it is x's move in S, then S is safe iff all successors of S are safe.
A *stateList* is a list of states.
# safe: state-> Bool
# A state S is *safe* if player 'o' can force a win or tie from S.
def safe(S):
if over(S): return not threeInRow('x',S)
if turn(S)=='o': return someSafeSuccessor(S)
if turn(S)=='x': return allSafeSuccessors(S)
def threeInRow(p,S):
if p == 'x':
if all(t in S[0] for t in (1,2,3)):
return True
elif all(t in S[0] for t in (4,5,6)):
return True
elif all(t in S[0] for t in (7,8,9)):
return True
elif all(t in S[0] for t in (1,4,7)):
return True
elif all(t in S[0] for t in (2,5,8)):
return True
elif all(t in S[0] for t in (3,6,9)):
return True
elif all(t in S[0] for t in (1,5,9)):
return True
elif all(t in S[0] for t in (3,5,7)):
return True
if all(t in S[1] for t in (1,2,3)):
return True
elif all(t in S[1] for t in (4,5,6)):
return True
elif all(t in S[1] for t in (7,8,9)):
return True
elif all(t in S[1] for t in (1,4,7)):
return True
elif all(t in S[1] for t in (2,5,8)):
return True
elif all(t in S[1] for t in (3,6,9)):
return True
elif all(t in S[1] for t in (1,5,9)):
return True
elif all(t in S[1] for t in (3,5,7)):
return True
# someSafeSuccessor: state -> Bool
# If S is a state, someSafeSuccessor(S) means that S has
# at least one safe successor.
def someSafeSuccessor(S):
flag = False
# flag means we have found a safe successor
for x in successors(S):
if safe(x): flag = True
return flag
# allSafeSuccessors: state -> Bool
# If S is a state, allSafeSuccessors(S) means that every
# successor of S is safe.
def allSafeSuccessors(S):
flag = True
for x in successors(S):
if not safe(x): flag = False
return flag
# successors: state -> stateList
# successors(S) is a list whose members are all of the successors of S.
def successors(S):
for i in range(1,10):
if empty(i,S):
return stateList