VBScript を使用して、ドライブのファイル変更を監視したいと考えています。以下のコードがあります。と で問題なく動作InstanceCreationEvent
参考までに: 1 つのスクリプトで、ドライブ内のすべてのフォルダーとサブフォルダーを監視する必要があります。
PS: コードとパフォーマンスを改善するための提案やその他のアイデアも歓迎します。
Dim arrFolders
Dim strComputer
Dim objWMIService
Dim strFolder
Dim strCommand
Dim i
Dim strQuery
strChangeFile = "MonitorFolder_Log.txt"
strMailIDFile = "MonitorFolder_MailIDs.txt"
'Check if the log file exists, if not ceate a new file and exit the script. Restart the script again.
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If not oFSO.FileExists(strChangeFile) then
'WScript.Echo "Change Log File Not Found. Creating new file..."
Set oTxtFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(strChangeFile)
WScript.Echo strChangeFile & " File Created." & vbCrLf & "Please restart the script." & vbCrLf
End If
'Prompt for which drive should be monitored. If not a valid drive, then exit the script.
strDrive = InputBox("Enter the drive to monitor: " & vbCrLf & "E.g.: Input C to monitor C:\ drive.", "Monitor Folder - Oracle", "E")
If strDrive = "" then
WScript.Echo "Not a valid drive. Terminating the script."
End If
'Append ":" with the drive name.
strDrive = strDrive & ":"
'Read the mail IDs.
Set objFSOMailID = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oTSMailID = objFSOMailID.OpenTextFile(strMailIDFile)
strMailIDsList = oTSMailID.ReadAll
'WScript.Echo strMailIDsList
'Array to store the existing folder paths that should be monitored.
arrFolders = Array()
i = 0
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ShowSubfolders FSO.GetFolder(strDrive)
Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder)
For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders
i = i + 1
folderPath = "" & Subfolder.Path & ""
folderPath = Replace(folderPath ,"\","\\\\")
ReDim Preserve arrFolders(i)
arrFolders(i) = folderPath
'Wscript.Echo i & " " & arrFolders(i)
ShowSubFolders Subfolder
End Sub
'Set the first path to be the drive.
arrFolders(0) = strDrive & "\\\\"
'Use WMI query to get the file changes.
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
'Loop throught the array of folders setting up the monitor for Each
i = 0
For Each strFolder In arrFolders
'Create the event sink
'WScript.Echo "setup for folder: " & strFolder & vbLf
strCommand = "Set EventSink" & i & " = WScript.CreateObject" & "(""WbemScripting.SWbemSink"", ""SINK" & i & "_"")"
ExecuteGlobal strCommand
'Setup Notification
strQuery = "SELECT * " _
& "FROM __InstanceOperationEvent " _
& "WITHIN 1 " _
& "WHERE Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile'" _
& " AND TargetInstance.GroupComponent = " & "'Win32_Directory.Name=""" & strFolder & """'"
strCommand = "objWMIservice.ExecNotificationQueryAsync EventSink" & i & ", strQuery"
ExecuteGlobal strCommand
'Create the OnObjectReady Sub
strCommand = "Sub SINK" & i & "_OnObjectReady(objObject, " & "objAsyncContext)" & vbLf _
& " 'Wscript.Echo objObject.TargetInstance.PartComponent" & vbLf _
& " SendNotification(objObject)" & vbLf _
& "End Sub"
'WScript.Echo strCommand
ExecuteGlobal strCommand
i = i + 1
'Wait for events.
WScript.Echo "Waiting for events..."
i = 0
While (True)
Function SendNotification(objObject)
strEventType = objObject.Path_.Class
strPartComp = Split(objObject.TargetInstance.PartComponent, "=")
strFileName = Replace(strPartComp(1), "\\", "\")
WScript.Echo strEventType
WScript.Echo strFileName
'Some more code to send mail and logs...
End Function