私はここ数日間、この問題について頭を悩ませてきました。私の人生では、問題コードを見つけることができるようです. 基本的に、このコードは x 座標と y 座標と半径を持つランダムな量のオブジェクトを生成し、コードは新しいオブジェクトが他のオブジェクトと衝突するかどうかを確認し、衝突しない場合はそれをマスター配列に追加します。その後、呼び出し元の関数に返されます。私の問題は、ページをロードするとすべてのオブジェクトがそこにあるが、いくつかはまだ互いに衝突していて、理由がわからないということです。誰でも問題を見ることができますか?
public function Generate($chunkX, $chunkY) {
if (!(isset($this->ChunkX) && isset($this->ChunkY) )) {
$this->ChunkX = $chunkX;
$this->ChunkY = $chunkY;
$counter = 0;
$this->ObjectLocations = array();
$totalAstroids = $this->GetAstroidNo();
while ($counter < $totalAstroids) {
$tempObjectLocations = array();
//X and Y Chunk Coordinates
$tempObjectLocations['chunkX'] = $chunkX;
$tempObjectLocations['chunkY'] = $chunkY;
//X and Y coordinates for the object.
$tempObjectLocations['coordX'] = rand(4, 60);
$tempObjectLocations['coordY'] = rand(4, 60);
$tempObjectLocations['radius'] = rand(4, 12);
//Checks if objects already exist in array
if (count($this->ObjectLocations) > 0) {
//if the object does not collide with any other object
//the location will be added into the database
if ($this->isColliding($tempObjectLocations) == false) {
array_push($this->ObjectLocations, $tempObjectLocations);
$counter += 1;
// if object is the first created insert into table.
} else {
array_push($this->ObjectLocations, $tempObjectLocations);
$counter += 1;
return $this->ObjectLocations;
public function isColliding($obj1) {
//Checks if object conflicts with nearby objects
$a = count($this->ObjectLocations);
for ($i = 0; $i < $a; $i++) {
$obj2 = $this->ObjectLocations[$i];
//Calculates the distance between two points
$distance = sqrt(($obj1['coordX'] - $obj2['coordX']) ^ 2 + ($obj1['coordY'] - $obj2['coordY']) ^ 2);
//Checks if the distance between the two objects is
//more than the radius of both objects added together
if ($distance < ($obj1['radius'] + $obj2['radius'] )) {
return true;
return false;
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 54,
"coordY": 17,
"radius": 8
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 41,
"coordY": 57,
"radius": 12
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 42,
"coordY": 36,
"radius": 8
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 40,
"coordY": 58,
"radius": 8
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 25,
"coordY": 58,
"radius": 12
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 57,
"coordY": 8,
"radius": 10
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 46,
"coordY": 17,
"radius": 11
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 42,
"coordY": 29,
"radius": 8
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 18,
"coordY": 58,
"radius": 11
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 59,
"coordY": 5,
"radius": 11
"chunkX": "1",
"chunkY": "1",
"coordX": 15,
"coordY": 56,
"radius": 12