I have a requirement that says a name must not start with 3 identical letters ignoring their case. A name starts with an upper case letter followed by lower case letters.
Basically I could convert the whole name to upper case and then match with a regex like (\p{Lu})\1{3,}.*
But I was wondering if there exists a regex that matches the above requirements and does not need any preprocessing of the string to be matched. So what regex can I use to match strings like Aa
, Dd
or Uu
without explicitly specifiying any possible combination?
I accepted Markos answer. I just needed to fix it to work with names of length 1 and two and anchor it at the beginning. So the actual regex for my use case is ^(\p{Lu})(\p{Ll}?$|(?=\p{Ll}{2})(?i)(?!(\1){2}))
I also upvoted the answers of Evgeniy and sp00m for helping me to learn a lesson in regexes.
Thanks for your efforts.