分散トランザクション コーディネーター サービスを開始できません。数日前に動作しなくなりました。
レジストリ プロパティ:
RPC (テストの場合、値はここで逆に変更され、元に戻りました - 結果はありません):
Windows logs\application logs:
A MS DTC component has encountered an internal error. The process is being terminated. Error Specifics: DtcSystemShutdown (d:\w7rtm\com\complus\dtc\dtc\msdtc\src\msdtc.cpp@2539): Shutting down with an error
The MS DTC service is stopping.
DTC Security Configuration values (OFF = 0 and ON = 1): Network Administration of Transactions = 1,
Network Clients = 1,
Inbound Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol = 1,
Outbound Distributed Transactions using Native MSDTC Protocol = 1,
Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) = 0,
XA Transactions = 1,
SNA LU 6.2 Transactions = 1
Could not initialize the MS DTC Transaction Manager.
Failed to initialize the MS DTC Communication Manager. Error Specifics: hr = 0x80070057, d:\w7rtm\com\complus\dtc\dtc\cm\src\ccm.cpp:2117, CmdLine: C:\Windows\System32\msdtc.exe, Pid: 5332
The MS DTC Connection Manager is unable to register with RPC to use one of LRPC, TCP/IP, or UDP/IP. Please ensure that RPC is configured properly. If "ServerTcpPort" registry key is configured(DWORD value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSDTC for local DTC instance or under cluster hive for clustered DTC instance), please verify if the configured port is valid and the port is not already in use by a different component. Error Specifics:hr = 0x80070057, d:\w7rtm\com\complus\dtc\dtc\cm\src\iomgrsrv.cpp:2523, CmdLine: C:\Windows\System32\msdtc.exe, Pid: 5332
String message: RPC raised an exception with a return code RPC_S_INVALIDA_ARG..
I found that we can use -resetlog command. But this doesnot resolving my problem: