false を返すだけです。
isHusband(Husband1), isHusband(Husband2), isHusband(Husband3), isHusband(Husband4), isHusband(Husband5),
Husband1 \== Husband2, Husband1 \== Husband3, Husband1 \== Husband4, Husband1 \== Husband5,
Husband2 \== Husband1, Husband2 \== Husband3, Husband2 \== Husband4, Husband2 \== Husband5,
Husband3 \== Husband1, Husband3 \== Husband2, Husband3 \== Husband4, Husband3 \== Husband5,
Husband4 \== Husband1, Husband4 \== Husband2, Husband4 \== Husband3, Husband4 \== Husband5,
Husband5 \== Husband1, Husband5 \== Husband2, Husband5 \== Husband3, Husband5 \== Husband4,
livesIn(State1), livesIn(State2), livesIn(State3), livesIn(State4), livesIn(State5),
State1 \== State2, State1 \== State3, State1 \== State4, State1 \== State5,
State2 \== State1, State2 \== State3, State2 \== State4, State2 \== State5,
State3 \== State1, State3 \== State2, State3 \== State4, State3 \== State5,
State4 \== State1, State4 \== State2, State4 \== State3, State4 \== State5,
State5 \== State1, State5 \== State2, State5 \== State3, State5 \== State4,
sentGift(Gift1), livesIn(Gift2), livesIn(Gift3), livesIn(Gift4), livesIn(Gift5),
Gift1 \== Gift2, Gift1 \== Gift3, Gift1 \== Gift4, Gift1 \== Gift5,
Gift2 \== Gift1, Gift2 \== Gift3, Gift2 \== Gift4, Gift2 \== Gift5,
Gift3 \== Gift1, Gift3 \== Gift2, Gift3 \== Gift4, Gift3 \== Gift5,
Gift4 \== Gift1, Gift4 \== Gift2, Gift4 \== Gift3, Gift4 \== Gift5,
Gift5 \== Gift1, Gift5 \== Gift2, Gift5 \== Gift3, Gift5 \== Gift4,
%Aunt Maisie's Husband is Uncle Nick
Husband4 = nick,
%Uncle Bill and Aunt Emily and their respective spouses sent the salver and the urn (in order)
Gift2 = salver,
member([_, bill, _, urn], Z),
%Aunt Amber and Uncle Doug live in Georgia
Husband1 = doug,
State1 = georgia,
%Aunt Patsy and her husband sent a toaster
Gift5 = toaster,
%The rotisserie came from the Delaware relatives
member([_, _, delaware, rotisserie], Z),
%Uncle Zack and his wife(don't live in Kansas) sent neither the salver nor the toaster
\+ member([_, zack, kansas, _], Z),
\+ member([_, zack, _, salver], Z),
\+ member([_, zack, _, toaster], Z),
%Aunt Janet and Uncle Bill live in California
Husband3 = bill,
State3 = california.