Spring Framework バージョン 3.2.4 の時点で、MultiTenantConnectionProvider と CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver を Spring コンテナーで管理する方法はありません。これにより、すでに構成されている DataSource、WebContext、およびその他の Spring 管理 Bean と機能を使用するなど、多くの障害が生じます。よりクリーンなソリューションを見つけようとしましたが、1つしか思いつきませんでした:
org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.LocalSessionFactoryBuilder を拡張し、カスタム LocalSessionFactoryBean を記述します (LocalSessionFactoryBuilder をサブクラス化して提供することはできません。基本的にはオリジナルのコピーに小さな変更を加えたものです)。
package com.levitech.hibernate;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.context.spi.CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver;
import org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.spi.MultiTenantConnectionProvider;
import org.springframework.core.io.ResourceLoader;
public class CustomLocalSessionFactoryBuilder extends org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.LocalSessionFactoryBuilder {
public CustomLocalSessionFactoryBuilder(DataSource dataSource,ResourceLoader resourceLoader, MultiTenantConnectionProvider connectionProvider,
CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver tenantIdResolver) {
super(dataSource, resourceLoader);
getProperties().put(Environment.MULTI_TENANT_CONNECTION_PROVIDER, connectionProvider);
getProperties().put(Environment.MULTI_TENANT_IDENTIFIER_RESOLVER, tenantIdResolver);
LocalSessionFactoryBean の置き換え (唯一の変更は、カスタム LocalSessionFactoryBuilder を使用するための afterPropertiesSet() メソッドにあります):
package com.levitech.hibernate;
* Copyright 2002-2013 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.hibernate.Interceptor;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.cfg.NamingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.context.spi.CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver;
import org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.spi.MultiTenantConnectionProvider;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.context.ResourceLoaderAware;
import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource;
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.core.io.ResourceLoader;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.ResourcePatternResolver;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.ResourcePatternUtils;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.HibernateExceptionTranslator;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.LocalSessionFactoryBuilder;
* {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean} that creates a Hibernate
* {@link org.hibernate.SessionFactory}. This is the usual way to set up a shared
* Hibernate SessionFactory in a Spring application context; the SessionFactory can
* then be passed to Hibernate-based data access objects via dependency injection.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> This variant of LocalSessionFactoryBean requires Hibernate 4.0 or higher.
* It is similar in role to the same-named class in the {@code orm.hibernate3} package.
* However, in practice, it is closer to {@code AnnotationSessionFactoryBean} since
* its core purpose is to bootstrap a {@code SessionFactory} from annotation scanning.
* <p><b>NOTE:</b> To set up Hibernate 4 for Spring-driven JTA transactions, make
* sure to either specify the {@link #setJtaTransactionManager "jtaTransactionManager"}
* bean property or to set the "hibernate.transaction.factory_class" property to
* {@link org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.jta.CMTTransactionFactory}.
* Otherwise, Hibernate's smart flushing mechanism won't work properly.
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 3.1
* @see #setDataSource
* @see #setPackagesToScan
* @see LocalSessionFactoryBuilder
public class CustomLocalSessionFactoryBean extends HibernateExceptionTranslator
implements FactoryBean<SessionFactory>, ResourceLoaderAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean {
private MultiTenantConnectionProvider multiTenantConnectionProvider;
private CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver tenantIdResolver;
private DataSource dataSource;
private Resource[] configLocations;
private String[] mappingResources;
private Resource[] mappingLocations;
private Resource[] cacheableMappingLocations;
private Resource[] mappingJarLocations;
private Resource[] mappingDirectoryLocations;
private Interceptor entityInterceptor;
private NamingStrategy namingStrategy;
private Properties hibernateProperties;
private Class<?>[] annotatedClasses;
private String[] annotatedPackages;
private String[] packagesToScan;
private Object jtaTransactionManager;
private ResourcePatternResolver resourcePatternResolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
private Configuration configuration;
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public MultiTenantConnectionProvider getMultiTenantConnectionProvider() {
return multiTenantConnectionProvider;
public void setMultiTenantConnectionProvider(
MultiTenantConnectionProvider multiTenantConnectionProvider) {
this.multiTenantConnectionProvider = multiTenantConnectionProvider;
public CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver getTenantIdResolver() {
return tenantIdResolver;
public void setTenantIdResolver(CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver tenantIdResolver) {
this.tenantIdResolver = tenantIdResolver;
* Set the DataSource to be used by the SessionFactory.
* If set, this will override corresponding settings in Hibernate properties.
* <p>If this is set, the Hibernate settings should not define
* a connection provider to avoid meaningless double configuration.
public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
* Set the location of a single Hibernate XML config file, for example as
* classpath resource "classpath:hibernate.cfg.xml".
* <p>Note: Can be omitted when all necessary properties and mapping
* resources are specified locally via this bean.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#configure(java.net.URL)
public void setConfigLocation(Resource configLocation) {
this.configLocations = new Resource[] {configLocation};
* Set the locations of multiple Hibernate XML config files, for example as
* classpath resources "classpath:hibernate.cfg.xml,classpath:extension.cfg.xml".
* <p>Note: Can be omitted when all necessary properties and mapping
* resources are specified locally via this bean.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#configure(java.net.URL)
public void setConfigLocations(Resource[] configLocations) {
this.configLocations = configLocations;
* Set Hibernate mapping resources to be found in the class path,
* like "example.hbm.xml" or "mypackage/example.hbm.xml".
* Analogous to mapping entries in a Hibernate XML config file.
* Alternative to the more generic setMappingLocations method.
* <p>Can be used to add to mappings from a Hibernate XML config file,
* or to specify all mappings locally.
* @see #setMappingLocations
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#addResource
public void setMappingResources(String[] mappingResources) {
this.mappingResources = mappingResources;
* Set locations of Hibernate mapping files, for example as classpath
* resource "classpath:example.hbm.xml". Supports any resource location
* via Spring's resource abstraction, for example relative paths like
* "WEB-INF/mappings/example.hbm.xml" when running in an application context.
* <p>Can be used to add to mappings from a Hibernate XML config file,
* or to specify all mappings locally.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#addInputStream
public void setMappingLocations(Resource[] mappingLocations) {
this.mappingLocations = mappingLocations;
* Set locations of cacheable Hibernate mapping files, for example as web app
* resource "/WEB-INF/mapping/example.hbm.xml". Supports any resource location
* via Spring's resource abstraction, as long as the resource can be resolved
* in the file system.
* <p>Can be used to add to mappings from a Hibernate XML config file,
* or to specify all mappings locally.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#addCacheableFile(java.io.File)
public void setCacheableMappingLocations(Resource[] cacheableMappingLocations) {
this.cacheableMappingLocations = cacheableMappingLocations;
* Set locations of jar files that contain Hibernate mapping resources,
* like "WEB-INF/lib/example.hbm.jar".
* <p>Can be used to add to mappings from a Hibernate XML config file,
* or to specify all mappings locally.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#addJar(java.io.File)
public void setMappingJarLocations(Resource[] mappingJarLocations) {
this.mappingJarLocations = mappingJarLocations;
* Set locations of directories that contain Hibernate mapping resources,
* like "WEB-INF/mappings".
* <p>Can be used to add to mappings from a Hibernate XML config file,
* or to specify all mappings locally.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#addDirectory(java.io.File)
public void setMappingDirectoryLocations(Resource[] mappingDirectoryLocations) {
this.mappingDirectoryLocations = mappingDirectoryLocations;
* Set a Hibernate entity interceptor that allows to inspect and change
* property values before writing to and reading from the database.
* Will get applied to any new Session created by this factory.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#setInterceptor
public void setEntityInterceptor(Interceptor entityInterceptor) {
this.entityInterceptor = entityInterceptor;
* Set a Hibernate NamingStrategy for the SessionFactory, determining the
* physical column and table names given the info in the mapping document.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#setNamingStrategy
public void setNamingStrategy(NamingStrategy namingStrategy) {
this.namingStrategy = namingStrategy;
* Set Hibernate properties, such as "hibernate.dialect".
* <p>Note: Do not specify a transaction provider here when using
* Spring-driven transactions. It is also advisable to omit connection
* provider settings and use a Spring-set DataSource instead.
* @see #setDataSource
public void setHibernateProperties(Properties hibernateProperties) {
this.hibernateProperties = hibernateProperties;
* Return the Hibernate properties, if any. Mainly available for
* configuration through property paths that specify individual keys.
public Properties getHibernateProperties() {
if (this.hibernateProperties == null) {
this.hibernateProperties = new Properties();
return this.hibernateProperties;
* Specify annotated entity classes to register with this Hibernate SessionFactory.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#addAnnotatedClass(Class)
public void setAnnotatedClasses(Class<?>[] annotatedClasses) {
this.annotatedClasses = annotatedClasses;
* Specify the names of annotated packages, for which package-level
* annotation metadata will be read.
* @see org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#addPackage(String)
public void setAnnotatedPackages(String[] annotatedPackages) {
this.annotatedPackages = annotatedPackages;
* Specify packages to search for autodetection of your entity classes in the
* classpath. This is analogous to Spring's component-scan feature
* ({@link org.springframework.context.annotation.ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner}).
public void setPackagesToScan(String... packagesToScan) {
this.packagesToScan = packagesToScan;
* Set the Spring {@link org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager}
* or the JTA {@link javax.transaction.TransactionManager} to be used with Hibernate,
* if any.
* @see LocalSessionFactoryBuilder#setJtaTransactionManager
public void setJtaTransactionManager(Object jtaTransactionManager) {
this.jtaTransactionManager = jtaTransactionManager;
public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
this.resourcePatternResolver = ResourcePatternUtils.getResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader);
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws IOException {
LocalSessionFactoryBuilder sfb = new CustomLocalSessionFactoryBuilder(this.dataSource, this.resourcePatternResolver, multiTenantConnectionProvider, tenantIdResolver);
if (this.configLocations != null) {
for (Resource resource : this.configLocations) {
// Load Hibernate configuration from given location.
if (this.mappingResources != null) {
// Register given Hibernate mapping definitions, contained in resource files.
for (String mapping : this.mappingResources) {
Resource mr = new ClassPathResource(mapping.trim(), this.resourcePatternResolver.getClassLoader());
if (this.mappingLocations != null) {
// Register given Hibernate mapping definitions, contained in resource files.
for (Resource resource : this.mappingLocations) {
if (this.cacheableMappingLocations != null) {
// Register given cacheable Hibernate mapping definitions, read from the file system.
for (Resource resource : this.cacheableMappingLocations) {
if (this.mappingJarLocations != null) {
// Register given Hibernate mapping definitions, contained in jar files.
for (Resource resource : this.mappingJarLocations) {
if (this.mappingDirectoryLocations != null) {
// Register all Hibernate mapping definitions in the given directories.
for (Resource resource : this.mappingDirectoryLocations) {
File file = resource.getFile();
if (!file.isDirectory()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Mapping directory location [" + resource + "] does not denote a directory");
if (this.entityInterceptor != null) {
if (this.namingStrategy != null) {
if (this.hibernateProperties != null) {
if (this.annotatedClasses != null) {
if (this.annotatedPackages != null) {
if (this.packagesToScan != null) {
if (this.jtaTransactionManager != null) {
// Build SessionFactory instance.
this.configuration = sfb;
this.sessionFactory = buildSessionFactory(sfb);
* Subclasses can override this method to perform custom initialization
* of the SessionFactory instance, creating it via the given Configuration
* object that got prepared by this LocalSessionFactoryBean.
* <p>The default implementation invokes LocalSessionFactoryBuilder's buildSessionFactory.
* A custom implementation could prepare the instance in a specific way (e.g. applying
* a custom ServiceRegistry) or use a custom SessionFactoryImpl subclass.
* @param sfb LocalSessionFactoryBuilder prepared by this LocalSessionFactoryBean
* @return the SessionFactory instance
* @see LocalSessionFactoryBuilder#buildSessionFactory
protected SessionFactory buildSessionFactory(LocalSessionFactoryBuilder sfb) {
return sfb.buildSessionFactory();
* Return the Hibernate Configuration object used to build the SessionFactory.
* Allows for access to configuration metadata stored there (rarely needed).
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Configuration object has not been initialized yet
public final Configuration getConfiguration() {
if (this.configuration == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration not initialized yet");
return this.configuration;
public SessionFactory getObject() {
return this.sessionFactory;
public Class<?> getObjectType() {
return (this.sessionFactory != null ? this.sessionFactory.getClass() : SessionFactory.class);
public boolean isSingleton() {
return true;
public void destroy() {
アプリケーション コンテキストで Bean を定義します。
<bean id="multiTenantProvider" class="com.levitech.hibernate.MultiTenantConnectionProviderImpl" depends-on="myDataSource" lazy-init="false"></bean>
<bean id="tenantIdResolver" class="com.levitech.hibernate.TenantIdResolver"></bean>
<bean id="sessionFactory" class="com.levitech.hibernate.CustomLocalSessionFactoryBean" depends-on="liquibase, myDataSource, multiTenantProvider">
<property name="dataSource" ref="myDataSource"></property>
<property name="multiTenantConnectionProvider" ref="multiTenantProvider"></property>
<property name="tenantIdResolver" ref="tenantIdResolver"></property>
<property name="mappingLocations" value="classpath*:hibernate/**/*.hbm.xml" />
<property name="hibernateProperties">
hibernate プロパティで次の値を指定しないでください: hibernate.tenant_identifier_resolver および hibernate.multi_tenant_connection_provider
すべての設定が完了し、すべての Bean が Spring で管理されます。あなたは再びDIを自由に使うことができます!これが誰かに役立つことを願っています。私は機能の Jira リクエストを入れました..