剣道 ui グリッドを構築する次のコードがあります。

    // build grid columns

    // the check box column is always visible for all users
    var columns = [{
        field:'<input id="masterCheck" class="check" type="checkbox" /><label for="masterCheck"></label>', 
        template: '<input class="check rowSelect" id="${id}" type="checkbox" /><label for="${id}"></label>',
        filterable: false,
        width: 33,
        sortable: false // may want to make this sortable later. will need to build a custom sorter.

    // build the rest of the columns using data provided by the server
    var metrics = initialData.metric;
    for (var i=0; i < metrics.length; i++) {
        var metric = metrics[i];
        var column = {};
        column.field = metric.qualifiedName;
        column.title = metric.label;
        column.width = metric.colWidth;
        // initially hide all columns. we'll know exactly which ones to show after a search
        column.hidden = true;        
        column.type = metric.type;

        // handle special considerations
        if (column.type === 'float' || column.type === 'int') {        

            // format all floats to two decimal places
            if (column.type === 'float') {
                column.format = '{0:n2}';
            // the grid only has a type of number.            

            column.attributes = {'class' : 'right-align'};

            var field = column.field;

            // create a closure to build a function that captures the field variable value
            // in this iteration. Immediately execute the anonymous outer function so 
            // that the inner function is returned as assignment to the footerTemplate
            // variable. The param data will be passed to the function by the grid.
            // That function then executes the buildFooter which has the right field value
            // due to the closure. notice that each invocation of the outer function
            // creates a new scope chain that adds a new inner function.
            column.footerTemplate = (function(field, columnType) {return function() { return buildFooter(field, columnType); }; })(field, metric.type);
            column.type = 'number';

        } else if (column.type === 'date') {
            column.format = '{0:yyyy-MM-dd}';
        } else if (column.field === 'attachments') {
            //column.field = 'text';
            // use a template defined in search.jsp to style this complex
            // object
            column.template = kendo.template($('#attachmentTemplate').html());
            column.sortable = false;
            column.filterable = false;
        } else if (column.type === 'list') {
            column.type = 'string';


    var toolbarItems = [{ name: 'custom', text: 'Filter', className: 'filterClass k-state-disabled', imageClass: 'k-icon k-i-funnel'},
                        { name: 'view', text: 'View', className: 'viewClass k-state-disabled', imageClass: 'k-icon k-i-search' }];
    // only show build the edit and delete buttons in the toolbar if the
    // user has permissions
    if ($('#hasAdminControls')[0]) {
        toolbarItems.push({ name: 'edit', text: 'Edit', className: 'editClass k-state-disabled' });
        toolbarItems.push({ name: 'destroy', text: 'Delete', className: 'deleteClass k-state-disabled' });

    var options = {

        autoBind: false,
        dataBound: function() {

            for(var i =0; i <  checkedRows.length; i++){
                $('#'+ checkedRows[i]).attr('checked','checked');

         dataSource: {
            //type: 'json',
            //batch: 'true',
            serverPaging: true, // we may need to use paging for performance reasons
            //schema: {
            //    total: 'total'//function(response) { console.log(response); alert('hi2'); return 500; }
            //schema: {
                //model: Acquisition // if we use a model then complex objects' fields all have string type

            pageSize: 10, 

            //serverFiltering: true, // we may want to use this in the future if client filtering becomes a performance issue
            //serverSorting: true, // we may want to use this in the future if client sorting becomes a performance issue
            transport: { read: 
            function(options) {

                var setupOptions = { 
                        success: function(data, statusText, xhr, $form) {options.success(data); loadSearch(data, statusText, xhr, $form)},
                        type: 'POST',
                        dataType: 'json',
                        data: {skip: options.data.skip, take: options.data.take},
                        url:   '../search.x',
                        error: errorHandler.handle,
                        timeout: 50000

        height: 600,
        pageable: {
            //numeric: false,
            //previousNext: false,
            messages: {
                display: "{2} Acquisitions"
            pageSizes: true
        sortable: true,
        resizable: true,
        filterable: true,
        toolbar: toolbarItems,
        columns: columns

    // create the grid using the above options

    // for purely aesthetic purposes, move the toolbar to the bottom (by default it's at the top) 
    $('#resultsArea').find('.k-grid-toolbar').insertAfter($('#resultsArea .k-grid-footer'));
    var grid = $('#resultsGrid').data('kendoGrid');


function startSearch(evt) {

    var grid = $('#resultsGrid').data('kendoGrid');


grid.dataSource.read() 関数呼び出しは、transport.read によって開始されたサーバーへの AJAX 呼び出しになります。ただし、剣道はエラーをスローするため、success 関数は呼び出されません。d.oneOfMyObjects が undefined kendo.web.min.js であると記述されています (9 行目)。json 応答を見ると、サーバーからの json オブジェクトがいくつかあります。オブジェクトの 1 つはオブジェクトの配列です。これらの各オブジェクトには、oneOfMyObjects というプロパティ (オブジェクト) があります。各 oneOfMyObjects は null ではありません。では、剣道がなぜ失敗しているのか、私にはよくわかりません。kendoui.2012.3.1315 を使用しています。剣道がこのエラーをスローするのを止めて、loadSearch コールバック関数を呼び出せるようにするにはどうすればよいですか?

2番目の編集 options.success(data); の成功関数でエラーが発生しています。

EDIT サーバーからの出力を含むように質問を編集します。サーバーのページネーションなしで同じ出力が正常に機能することに注意してください(データセキュリティの目的で出力を変更する必要もありました...同じ構造を維持しようとしましたが、JSON非準拠にするために誤って変更しなかったことを願っています):

        "type":"Needs Value",
            "name":"Not Specified",
                "name":"Needs Value"
            "name":"Needs Value"
    }, {
        "type":"Needs Value",
            "name":"Not Specified",
                "name":"Needs Value"
            "name":"Needs Value"
    }, /* 8 more records */]

loadSearch 関数を含めるための 3 回目の編集

function loadSearch(data, statusText, xhr, $form, options) {

    if (data.validationError) {
        // TODO we need to look at the message from the reply
        // right now though only date validation errors will exist
        dialog.show('Error', 'Please enter dates formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.');

    checkedRows = [];
    var object= data.object;

    var grid = $('#resultsGrid').data('kendoGrid');

    // clear any filters. This also help with an issue where no 
    // rows are shown due to a filter.

    // set the search results data in the grid

    // show columns that are either a user preference
    // column (or default set if user has no preferences)
    // or a field matching search data

    // let's only hide/show the delta between
    // previously viewed cols and new cols to display 
    // since it's much faster than hiding all old
    // and then displaying all new cols
    var oldCols = $('#displayColumns').val() || [];

    // the server tells the UI which fields to display
    // based on user preference and fields that that
    // have matching search data
    var newCols = data.displayFields;

    var removedCols = oldCols.diff(newCols);
    for (var i in removedCols) {
        $('#displayColumns option[value="' + removedCols[i] + '"]').removeAttr('selected');

    var addedCols = newCols.diff(oldCols);
    for (var i in addedCols) {
        $('#displayColumns option[value="' + addedCols[i] + '"]').attr('selected', 'selected');

    // we have to tell the chosen overlay that we updated the list

    // we have to keep track of the current selected values
    // so that when the user changes to selection we'll 
    // be able to compare to the original selection
    // and now what they changed.
    $('#displayColumns').data('chosen-values', $('#displayColumns').val());

    // display the results


    // Highlight search matches so the user can easily see
    // why the record is in the result grid.
    // Unfortunately, the highlights library takes a comma-delimited list.
    // It's problematic when the search results contain a comma.

    // remove previous highlights

    uniqueHighlights = data.uniqueHighlights || [];

    // reset the controls since all checkboxes have been cleared

    // register event to capture clicks on grid checkboxes
    // we can't do this during initialization b/c the checkboxes
    // are not yet built. Note: we don't have to remove
    // the events associated with previous checkboxes as 
    // jquery should automatically do this.

    // remove loading indicator

    // style the UI to give the user an option to save the columns again
    $('#saveCols > span').empty().text('Save Columns');


3 に答える 3



schema   : {
    data : "object",
    total: "total"



于 2013-04-26T09:02:55.087 に答える
  var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
      serverPaging: true,
      serverSorting: true,
      pageSize : 15,
      transport : {
         read : {
           url : getEmployeeData,
           dataType : "json"
         parameterMap : function(options, operation) {
            if (operation == "read") {
                return {
                  page: dataSource._page,
                  pageSize: dataSource._pageSize
    batch : true,
    schema : {
      data: "data",
      total: "total",
      model : {
        id : "id",
        fields : {
          name : {
            validation : {
              required : true
于 2014-05-22T09:22:44.110 に答える


transport: {
    read: {
        url: '@Url.Action("_List", "Check")',
        data: gridParams,
        type: 'POST'
function gridParams() {
        return {
            Field1: $('#fd1').val(),
            Field2: $('#fd2').val(),
            Field3: $('#fd3').val()

fd1-3 は、コントローラーにパラメーターを渡す必要があるフィールドの検索フォーム ID になります。


    public JsonResult _List(string Field1, DateTime? Field2, DateTime? Field3, int skip, int take)

次に、これらのパラメーターを使用して db.TableName.Where(w => w.fd1 == Field1 && w.fd2 == Field2 || w.fd3 == Field3).Skip(skip) を変更します


于 2013-04-26T09:23:56.313 に答える