foreach combination
foreach print
foreeach color
if not previous_print.contains(color)
order combination by cost (ascending)
この並べ替えを実行する予定のツール (スプレッドシート、プログラミング言語など) を使用している (またはしようとしている) かどうかについては言及していません。
VB.NET での簡単な実装を次に示します。読みやすく理解しやすいように、コードは意図的に長く残されていることに注意してください。
Private Sub GoGoGo()
' Adds some logos
' This is where you add them from the database or text file or wherever
Dim logos() =
New String() {"Black", "Magenta", "Orange"},
New String() {"Red", "Green", "Blue"},
New String() {"Orange", "Violet", "Pink"},
New String() {"Blue", "Yellow", "Pink"}
' Used to store the best combination
Dim minimumPermutation
Dim minimumCost = Integer.MaxValue
' Calculate all permutations of the logos
Dim permutations = GetPermutations(logos)
' For each permutation
For i As Integer = 0 To permutations.Count() - 1
Dim permutation = permutations(i)
Dim cost = 0
' For each logo in permutation
For j As Integer = 0 To permutation.Count() - 1
Dim logo = permutation(j)
' Check whether the previous logo contains one or more colors of this logo
For Each color In logo
If (j > 0) Then
If Not permutation(j - 1).Contains(color) Then
cost += 1
End If
cost += 1
End If
' Save the best permutation
If (i = 0 Or cost < minimumCost) Then
minimumCost = cost
minimumPermutation = permutation.Clone()
End If
' Output the best permutation
For Each logo In minimumPermutation
Console.Write(logo(0) + " " + logo(1) + " " + logo(2))
End Sub
Public Shared Iterator Function GetPermutations(Of T)(values As T(), Optional fromInd As Integer = 0) As IEnumerable(Of T())
If fromInd + 1 = values.Length Then
Yield values
For Each v In GetPermutations(values, fromInd + 1)
Yield v
For i = fromInd + 1 To values.Length - 1
SwapValues(values, fromInd, i)
For Each v In GetPermutations(values, fromInd + 1)
Yield v
SwapValues(values, fromInd, i)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Sub SwapValues(Of T)(values As T(), pos1 As Integer, pos2 As Integer)
If pos1 <> pos2 Then
Dim tmp As T = values(pos1)
values(pos1) = values(pos2)
values(pos2) = tmp
End If
End Sub