2 つのフィールドを記録する監査証跡があります。読み取りモードで監査証跡の変更を保存できるかどうかを知りたいのですが? 私のコードは、読み取りモードでは何も記録しません。みんな助けてくれませんか?これが私のコードです:
Sub Querysave(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
initial = Source.IsNewDoc
If initial Then m$ = session.CommonUserName & " - " & Cstr(Now()) & " - Document Created"
Forall F In old
v$ = Source.FieldGetText(Listtag(F))
If Not initial And Not v$ = F Then
If m$ = "" Then
m$ = session.CommonUserName & " - " & Cstr(Now()) & " - Modified "
m$ = m$ & ", "
End If
If F = "" Then F = {""}
m$ = m$ & Listtag(F) & " from " & F & " to " & v$
End If
F = v$
End Forall
If initial Then
Source.FieldSetText "History", m$
Elseif Not m$ = "" Then
Source.FieldAppendText "History", Chr$(10) & m$
End If
X: Exit Sub
E: Continue = False
Resume X
End Sub
Sub Postopen(Source As Notesuidocument)
Set session = New NotesSession
old("DocName") = Source.FieldGetText("DocName")
old("DocStatus") = Source.FieldGetText("DocStatus")
'Disable edit in double click
Set uidoc = source
Set doc = uidoc.Document
doc.mc = 1
End Sub