次の仕様を満たす必要があるプログラムがあります。各営業担当者の現在の売上目標は、年間 120,000.00 ドルです。• 販売インセンティブは、販売目標の 80% が達成された場合にのみ開始されます。現在の手数料は、総売上の 7.5% です。• 販売員が販売目標を超えると、加速係数に基づいてコミッションが増加します。加速係数は 1.25 です。• アプリケーションは、ユーザーに年間売上を入力するように要求し、年間報酬の合計を表示する必要があります。• アプリケーションは、営業担当者が獲得できた可能性のある潜在的な年間総報酬の表も表示する必要があります。

• The application will now compare the total annual compensation of at least two salespersons.
• It will calculate the additional amount of sales that each salesperson must achieve to match or exceed the higher of the two earners.
• The application should ask for the name of each salesperson being compared. 
• The application should have at least one class, in addition to the application’s controlling class.
• The source code must demonstrate the use of conditional and looping structures.
• The source code must demonstrate the use of Array or ArrayList.


while ループでテーブルを作成できました。私の問題は、配列またはArrayListです。Salesperson クラスで ArrayList を構築しましたが、getName が出力されません。私は何を間違っていますか?以下は私のコードです。

 * Program: Salesperson.java
 * Written by: Amy Morin
 * This program will calculate total annual compensation for a salesperson.
 * Business requirements include:
 * Fixed salary = $50,000, sales target = $120,000,
 * sales incentive at 80% of sales,
 * Commission 7.5% of sales, if sales target is exceeded 1.25% increased 
 * accelorated factor.
 * This program will also be the foundation to
 * compare two or more salespersons.

public class Salesperson
    //Declares and initalizes fixed salary.
    private final double Fix_Sal = 50000;
    //Declares and initalizes commission.
    private final double Comm = 7.5;
    //Declares and initalizes acceleration factor.
    private final double Accel_Factor = 1.25;
    //Declares and initializes sales target.
    double target = 120000;         
    //Declares and initializes sales incentive threshold.
    double thresh = .80;

    String spName;    //holds the salesperson's name
    double annSales;   // Holds value for annual sales
    double commRate;  //holds calculated commission rate.  
    double commEarned;  //holds calculated commission earned.   
    double totalAnnComp; //Holds calculated total annual commission

    //Default Constructor
    public Salesperson()
        spName = "Unknown";
        annSales = 0.0;

    ////parameterized constructor
    public Salesperson(String name, double sales)
        spName = name;
        annSales = sales;

    //The setName method will set the name of salesperson
    public void setName(String name)
        name = spName;

    //The getName method will ruturn the name of salesperson
    public String getName()
        return spName;

    //The setSales method will set the annual sales
    public void setSales(double sales)
        annSales = sales;

    //The getSales method returns the value stored in annualSales
    public double getSales()
        return annSales;

    //The getComm method will calculate and return commission earned
    public double getComm()
    //Check if sale are greater than or equal to 80% of target. 
    if (annSales >= (target * thresh))
            if (annSales > target) //Checks if annual sales exceed target.
            //Gets commission rate.
                commRate = (Comm * Accel_Factor)/100;
        commEarned = commRate * annSales;
        commRate = Comm/100;
        commEarned = commRate * annSales;
        commRate = 0;
        commEarned = 0;
    return commEarned;

     * The getAnnComp method will calculate and return the total 
     * annual compensation.
    public double getAnnComp ()
    totalAnnComp = Fix_Sal + commEarned;
    return totalAnnComp;

 * Program: SalespersonComparison
 * Written by: Amy Morin
 * This program will compare the total annual compensation 
 * of at least two salespersons. It will also calculate the additional 
 * amount of sales that each salesperson must achieve to match or 
 * exceed the higher of the two earners.

import java.util.ArrayList; //Needed for ArrayList
import java.util.Scanner;  //Needed for Scanner class
import java.text.DecimalFormat; //Needed for Decimal formatting

public class SalespersonComparison
   public static void main(String[] args)
       final double Fix_Sal = 50000; //Declares and initiates fixed salary
       double sales; // hold annual sales

       //Create new ArrayList
       ArrayList<Salesperson> cArray = new ArrayList<>();

        // Create a Scanner object to read input.
       Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 

       //Lets user know how to end loop
       System.out.println("Press \'Enter\' to continue or type \'done\'"
               + " when finished.");

       //blank line

       //Loop for setting name and annual sales of salesperson
           //Create an Salesperson object
           Salesperson sPerson = new Salesperson();

           //Set salesperson's name
           System.out.println("Enter salesperson name");
           String name = keyboard.nextLine();

           //End while loop
           if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Done"))

           //Set annual sales for salesperson
           System.out.println("Enter annual sales for salesperson");
           sales = keyboard.nextDouble();

           //To add Salesperson object to ArrayList

           //Consume line
       while (true);

       //Display ArrayList

       DecimalFormat arrayL = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
       for (int index = 0; index < cArray.size(); index++)
           Salesperson sPerson = (Salesperson)cArray.get(index);
           System.out.print("Salesperson " + (index + 1) +
                            "\n Name: " + sPerson.getName() +
                            "\n Sales: " + (arrayL.format(sPerson.getSales())) +
                            "\n Commission Earned: " + 
                            (arrayL.format(sPerson.getComm())) +
                            "\n Total Annual Compensation: " 
                            + (arrayL.format(sPerson.getAnnComp())) + "\n\n");


Press 'Enter' to continue or type 'done' when finished.

Enter salesperson name
Enter annual sales for salesperson
Enter salesperson name
Enter annual sales for salesperson
Enter salesperson name

Salesperson 1
 Name: Unknown
 Sales: 100,000.00
 Commission Earned: 7,500.00
 Total Annual Compensation: 57,500.00

Salesperson 2
 Name: Unknown
 Sales: 80,000.00
 Commission Earned: 0.00
 Total Annual Compensation: 50,000.00

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 20 seconds)



2 に答える 2



//The setName method will set the name of salesperson
public void setName(String name)
    name = spName;


//The setName method will set the name of salesperson
public void setName(String name)
    spName = name;
于 2013-05-03T19:48:12.557 に答える


public void setName(String name) {
    name = spName;


public void setName(String name) {
    this.spName = name;


于 2013-05-03T19:48:21.737 に答える