デカルト図のポイント座標を表す数値のリストが 2 つあります。

私の目標は、10 の範囲内の多くのポイントを 1 ポイントと見なすことです。


  • 最初の点 (1,2)
  • 2 点目 (2,3)
  • 3 番目の点 (3,4)
  • 4点目 (80,90)


x = [1,2,3, 80] 
Y = [2,3,4, 90 ]

10 の範囲 (x と y の両方) で最も近い点を削除したいと思います。最初の 3 つの数値を 1 つの数値と見なすことができます。


x = [1, 80] and y = [2, 90]  or 
x = [2,80] and y = [3, 90] or 
x = [3,80] and y = [4, 90]


x = [1,2,3, 80] 
Y = [2,3,70, 90 ]

最初の 2 つの数字を 1 つと見なすことができます


x = [1, 80] and y = [2, 90]  or 
x = [2,80] and y = [3, 90] or 


x = [1,2, 75, 78 , 80, 101] 
Y = [2,3, 81, 86, 90 , 91]


x = [1,75, 101] and y = [2,81, 91] or
x = [1,78, 101] and y = [2,86, 91] or
x = [1,80, 101] and y = [2,90, 91] or
x = [2,75, 101] and y = [3,81, 91] or
x = [2,78, 101] and y = [3,86, 91] or
x = [2,80, 101] and y = [3,90, 91] or

この6つのソリューションのうち1つだけが必要です。x = [1,75]またはを持っているかどうかは重要ではありませんx = [1,78]。重要なことは、オンリーワンとして近い数を持つことです。


x = [ 95, 154, 161, 135, 138, 116]
y = [158, 166, 168, 170, 170, 171]

この場合、残るポイントは 3 つだけです。

171 - 170 = 1  =>  138 - 116 = 22   both results are in the range of 25 i choose to delete 116 and 171

170 - 170 = 0  => 138 - 135 = 3 both result are in the range of 25 i delete 170 and 138

170 - 168 = 2  =>  135 - 161 = 26  i cannot delete

168 - 166 = 2 =>  161 - 154 = 7  i delete 168 and 161

166 - 158 = 8 =>  154 - 95 = 59 i cannot delete

x = [95, 154, 161, 135]
Y = [158, 166, 168, 170]

操作を繰り返し、x の 161 と y の 168 を削除します。理由: 168 - 166 = 2 => 161 - 154 = 7

x = [95, 154, 135]
Y = [158, 166,  170]




2 に答える 2


なぜ「操作を繰り返す」のか、またはいつ停止するのかがわからなかったので、ポイントが削除されなくなるまで操作が繰り返されるようにコーディングしました。中間点は、x と y の別々のリストではなく、(x, y) 座標の 2 要素タプルとしてリストに順番に表示されます。

def outrange(pts, rnge):
    partial = pts[::-1]  # current points in reverse order
    i, lastp = 0, []
    while lastp != partial:
        print('%i times around we have: %r' % (i, partial[::-1]))
        i, lastp, partial = (i+1, 
                            [(pn1x, pn1y) 
                            for (pnx, pny), (pn1x, pn1y) in zip(partial[1:], partial) 
                            if abs(pn1x - pnx) > rnge or abs(pn1y - pny) > rnge
                            ] + partial[-1:])
    return partial[::-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    j = 0
    for rnge, x, y in [(10, [1, 2, 3, 80] , [2, 3, 4, 90 ]),
                        (10, [1, 2, 3, 80] , [2, 3, 70, 90 ]),
                        (10, [1,2, 75, 78 , 80, 101], [2,3, 81, 86, 90 , 91]),
                        (25, [ 95, 154, 161, 135, 138, 116], [158, 166, 168, 170, 170, 171])]:
        j += 1
        print('\n## Example %i: Points outside range %s of:' % (j, rnge))
        print('  x = %r\n  y = %r' % (x, y))
        pts = [(xx, yy) for xx, yy in zip(x,y)]
        ans_x, ans_y = [list(z) for z in zip(*outrange(pts, rnge))]
        print('  Answer: x = %r\n          y = %r' % (ans_x, ans_y))


## Example 1: Points outside range 10 of:
  x = [1, 2, 3, 80]
  y = [2, 3, 4, 90]
0 times around we have: [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (80, 90)]
1 times around we have: [(1, 2), (80, 90)]
  Answer: x = [1, 80]
          y = [2, 90]

## Example 2: Points outside range 10 of:
  x = [1, 2, 3, 80]
  y = [2, 3, 70, 90]
0 times around we have: [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 70), (80, 90)]
1 times around we have: [(1, 2), (3, 70), (80, 90)]
  Answer: x = [1, 3, 80]
          y = [2, 70, 90]

## Example 3: Points outside range 10 of:
  x = [1, 2, 75, 78, 80, 101]
  y = [2, 3, 81, 86, 90, 91]
0 times around we have: [(1, 2), (2, 3), (75, 81), (78, 86), (80, 90), (101, 91)]
1 times around we have: [(1, 2), (75, 81), (101, 91)]
  Answer: x = [1, 75, 101]
          y = [2, 81, 91]

## Example 4: Points outside range 25 of:
  x = [95, 154, 161, 135, 138, 116]
  y = [158, 166, 168, 170, 170, 171]
0 times around we have: [(95, 158), (154, 166), (161, 168), (135, 170), (138, 170), (116, 171)]
1 times around we have: [(95, 158), (154, 166), (135, 170)]
2 times around we have: [(95, 158), (154, 166)]
  Answer: x = [95, 154]
          y = [158, 166]



于 2013-05-09T15:58:01.800 に答える