私がまとめようとしてきたものの 1 つは、家賃計算機です。これは、レンタル金額とユーザーからのリースの有効期限が与えられると、リースの残りの時間 (今日から) を決定し、その金額を通知する必要があります。家賃はそのリースで支払う必要があります。
//calculates the remaining rent left to pay for terminated leases
$("input[name='calcRent']").click(function() {
//gets rent and daily rent for later calculations
var rent = $("input[name='rentRent']").val();
var dailyRate = (rent * 12) / 365;
var leaseExpiry = $("input[name='leaseExpiry']").val();
var remRent = $("input[name='remRent']");
//breaks down lease expiry date and today's date into day, month, year parts
//so that units can be used in calculations
var ldd = leaseExpiry.substr(0,2);
ldd = parseInt(ldd, 10);
var lmm = leaseExpiry.substr(3,2);
lmm = parseInt(lmm, 10);
var lyyyy = leaseExpiry.substr(6,4);
lyyyy = parseInt(lyyyy, 10);
var date = new Date();
var tdd = date.getDate();
var tmm = date.getMonth()+1;
var tyyyy = date.getFullYear();
//if the expiry month is next year (or later) add 12 to expiry
//month value to make "lmm - tmm" calculation give positive value
if (lyyyy > tyyyy) {
lmm += (12 * (lyyyy - tyyyy));
//takes the current month from the expiry month to get the number of
//whole months left in the lease, then checks day values to see whether
//we have already passed the rent due date for this month (and so there's
//one less whole month left than we originally thought), taking 1 from
//wholeMths value if so
var wholeMths = lmm - tmm;
if (ldd == (tdd - 1)) {
wholeMths = wholeMths;
} else if (ldd < (tdd - 1)) {
wholeMths -= 1;
//works out if there are any days to be charged at daily rate (i.e. not
//part of a whole month). If today's date(tdd) == expiry date(ldd)+1 we have no
//leftover days (rental month runs like so: 12/04 - 11/05). If tdd > ldd+1
//(leftover days cross over a month end) we set checkMonth to true so the following
//if statement runs
var checkMonth = false;
var daysLeft = 0;
if (tdd == (ldd + 1)) {
daysLeft = 0;
} else if (tdd > ldd + 1) {
daysLeft = (31 - tdd) + ldd;
checkMonth = true;
} else {
daysLeft = ldd - tdd;
//as per the above line: "daysLeft = (31 - tdd) + ldd;" we assume months have 31 days
//as the majority do, this if checks whether the month end that we cross over with our
//leftover days actually has 30 days, if not we check whether it's February and whether
//it's a leap year so that we get the appropriate no. of days to charge for - if it meets
//any of these criteria the relevant no. of days are subtracted from daysLeft
if ((lmm == 05 || lmm == 07 || lmm == 10 || lmm == 12
|| lmm == 17 || lmm == 19 || lmm == 22 || lmm == 24) && checkMonth) {
daysLeft -= 1;
} else if ((lmm == 03 || lmm == 15) && checkMonth) {
if (lyyyy % 4 == 0) {
daysLeft -= 2;
} else {
daysLeft -= 3;
checkMonth = false;
var balance = (wholeMths * rent) + (daysLeft * dailyRate);
特に私を悩ませているビットの 1 つは、リースの有効期限が次の年に発生する場所です。その月の「値」をきちんと処理する方法がわかりません (最後の if でわかるように)。